Sunday, November 2, 2014

Who is responsible for the development of this master plan are: vice president of the Ministry of T

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Cabinet asset bubbles Housing launched the path to the apartment with $ 4 billion to build roads and interchanges that are supposed to release the stopper transportation projects. asset bubbles Objective: To make accessible 50 thousand housing units will be marketed asset bubbles in the coming years. "Calcalist" shows the ten most prominent programs
Week announced the allocation of housing cabinet 4 billion in transportation projects across the country. This release should have completed asset bubbles projects in transportation barriers asset bubbles currently preventing the marketing of tens of thousands of housing units, get on the road to drivers through traffic jams and contribute to lowering prices.
Assignment is designed with the Transport Ministry, Housing and Finance and the Israel Lands Authority. But test "Calcalist" shows that some of the content was taken from the five-year development of Israel Pipeline Company (formerly Roads), and was upgraded asset bubbles in preparation for their restatement. In addition, the original budget of up to 2 billion doubled due to the passage of budgets between different authorities.
For example, funding for the project spectrum of intelligence - City Connection fastest railway line between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem asset bubbles (A1 of reaction) - has been at the Ministry of Transport Israel Lands Authority, which released on the other side of the ministries 150 million asset bubbles for transportation projects in the city plowing.
Transportation programs were born after several intensive asset bubbles meetings between the Planning Authority and the Department of Transportation officials. The initial goal was to combine the long-term asset bubbles plans exist anyway as a member of the Israeli asset bubbles paths, railroad development programs in Israel and other urban plans, and construction needs.
Ministry of Transport satisfied and stated that "the days in which they did not understand the connection between development and transportation outreach periphery to the center and vice versa, and the proof is the enormous change has taken place in housing prices in Yokneam after connection of Highway 6 or demand for housing in Yavne, Ashkelon and even Blvd. day after connecting train in Israel".
Who is responsible for the development of this master plan are: vice president of the Ministry of Transport Infrastructure Fund Turner, Shay opens Brm"i VP of Business asset bubbles Development and Zahi David, administrative coordinator at the Ministry of Finance. Netivei Israel will arm the performance of the projects. "Calcalist" Shows the ten most prominent plans, cost estimates, schedules and traffic jams that are supposed to release projects.
11 Responses to "levels asset bubbles through the apartment: the barriers are removed, house prices fall? "(11 comments) asset bubbles
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