Tuesday, November 18, 2014

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Special machines for counting cigarettes will be installed in the factories 19 Mar 2013
Ban on smoking in public places, large fines, increased excise taxes. boat value estimator It turns out that this whole campaign does not give significant effect on the consumption of cigarettes in Bulgaria. According to market participants of legal sales (Parcel) tobacco for the first five months of this year fell by only 6% compared to the same period last year, when smoking in public places was not prosecuted. Although administratively oppressed, boat value estimator business in Bulgaria is already highly competitive, as opposed to government imposed restrictions operate financial and marketing power of four multinationals, two strong local producer and an aggressive regional player. As a result of the user's attention compete 240 varieties of cigarettes, competition often leads to lower prices, Once considered a luxury brands boat value estimator are becoming increasingly boat value estimator available and sold, and the proximity of countries with more favorable excise policy makes smuggling almost ineradicable. Change in this situation in the future there may be, but at least for the moment the market of tobacco products seems parceled despite frequent price adjustments shares - distributed and reposition the layers is rather the level of distribution and retail sale. Who is the master? According to the latest market data remains a leader "Bulgartabac" - former state monopoly, bought a year and a half of Russian boat value estimator VTB, as subsequently proved informally - in partnership with the banker Tsvetan Vassilev owners' Winery Cave ". The proportion of marks "BULGARTABAC" generally fell slightly last year (see table) at the expense of an increase in the positions boat value estimator of Japan Tobacco International, Philip Morris and British American Tobacco. Remain stable other local producer - Kings Tobacco, and Greek Karelia. boat value estimator As to smuggling - now companies are awaiting the latest boat value estimator survey of empty boxes of cigarettes to get clarity whether this segment has some adjustment. In May last year the illegal consumption (cigarettes boat value estimator without excise labels, those produced for foreign markets, and products of unknown origin) reached their lowest boat value estimator levels since 2010, and was about 15%. In November, however, boat value estimator it recorded an increase of about three percentage points. In short, even in a free and strong pricing competition "Bulgartabac" manages to be in an advantageous market position - the strong sales, more visibility in retail through its chain of kiosks and market share of close to, but below 35% - the limit of significant market boat value estimator power over which could be subject to antitrust regulation. According to many of the experts in the market this distance of 1-2 percentage points not accidentally observed by the former monopolist. Is there a price war? To deploy front of aggressive price war on cigarettes in Bulgaria obviously can not speak. Instead, however, the companies keep a constant "battle of pennies", resulting in consumption slightly, but hardly reversible shifts to the "premium" segment. For nearly two months as of the latest brands of top-selling global brand Marlboro (Gold Touch and Gold Fine Touch) boat value estimator with price 4.60 lev per box - the cost and the most popular Bulgarian brand - Victory. They actually decrease was highest - 70 cm. More low - about 4.50 lev per box, sold Rothmans and Camel. The second most sought after brand in the world - Winston, you can be bought for 4.20 lev Change log tobacco prices have almost continuously without exceptions - downwards. Because such a correction, the market leader "Bulgartabac" feel affected and in April his factory "Blagoevgrad BT" even a complaint to the Commission for Protection of Competition (CPC) to sell a product below cost him against Japan Tobacco. Japanese concern was targeted because of the positioning of the two most popular brands. boat value estimator On the one hand, last year's Camel is in direct competition with Victory and costs 10 cents cheaper. boat value estimator On the other, Japan put its best-selling global brand Winston at the lowest price segment with a price of 4.20 lev per box. There, it competes with GD and "Sredets". "Normally we do not comment our pricing decisions and strategies. But we can say that" Philip Morris boat value estimator Bulgaria "carefully manage its portfolio of products and varieties in a way that ensures competitiveness. For six years Mr. presence

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