Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The planned new road map north is not only about the residents, but also quite a few entrepreneurs


In February 2010, the government approved a multi-year investment in roads and railways Networking Services, in order to bring the center to the periphery home appraisal values and to create housing and employment locations beyond the range of "Hadera-Gedera". Although the cost of the "paths of Israel" home appraisal values was cut sharply from about 51 billion to about 27.5 billion by the end of this decade, it was the first time that the government approves long-term planning of modern transport infrastructure, including roads, length, width and railways linking the population centers and shorten ranges Arrival at around 50%.
Who is responsible for planning home appraisal values and executing most of the program is the National Roads Company (PWD former), taken from Israel Railways also projects Hmsiltiim, including the railway line from Acre to Carmiel and valley train from Haifa to Beit She'an. The plan, in about three and a half years (in 2016) be citizens Israel's ability to move significant relief in the North. This transport upheaval should be far-reaching consequences in real estate home appraisal values in the north. The chapter has plans for substantial expansion of industrial zones in communities become more accessible, meaning a considerable increase of residents in those communities alongside the expected rise in the value of the apartments.
Years show that quite a few communities who come close to the network infrastructure nationwide high-speed connection that allowed them to central city benefited immediate level - increasing the number of housing units, employment and regional development, trade and no less important - setting them at the forefront of Israeli real estate map. For years been neglected in favor of peripheral response to the plight infrastructure in central home appraisal values and Cshtfno treat it has most of the weight to the south with the development and construction of Highway 6 and laying railroad home appraisal values tracks. "Decisions has received home appraisal values government tilted the scales in favor of the south even in Haifa and the North live about 2 million people, but now you could say The change began in the north, "says home appraisal values Tamir Ben Shahar, CEO of consulting firm Czamanski dawn. It presents an example of the opening of the Carmel Tunnels, which he says has completely changed the perception of the residents of the city of Haifa, and I've become home appraisal values "the city of the real estate market." If ever there was movement of Haifa to Tel Aviv and people were moving north drove on through the day, no one passes home appraisal values through it. Haifa residents home appraisal values who live on the mountain have already internalized the change and go to Tel Aviv via Highway home appraisal values 6 and from the coastal road. "
The planned new road map north is not only about the residents, but also quite a few entrepreneurs of employment and commercial areas sooner to prepare, acquire land and promote programs. Who has not yet acted on the ground but are groping their way to the north in light of the planned transport revolution there are construction companies and housing projects. "Accessibility is becoming the next thing in the field of employment. home appraisal values More interesting home appraisal values places Real estate in intersections, I think that today saw the potential for the southern axis, but people are starting to realize that this is happening in the north. Haifa and Yokneam it has already happened, Industrial Buildings decade ago knew what she should buy land here. Instead of 'following' prices are still attractive that have a vision to see that happen and come to me quite a bit of high-tech entrepreneurs who consult on the potential development of a variety of areas, they examine human capital and proximity home appraisal values to sources of financing. Route 6 that everyone opposed it became home appraisal values places where land was cheap interesting areas entrepreneurs and companies. At the same time land prices in Tel Aviv is increasingly expensive home appraisal values and see traditional industrial enterprises and high-tech running down the middle north and south and logistics complexes settle at intersections, "says Ben-Shahar.
"In the residential sector," says the chairman of the assessors fan Danos, "the future we will learn from history that showed the initial segments of Route 6 led to a change. For example, demand and property prices soared after opening Gedera section to Shoreq, and Yokneam enjoys the last two years demand following the opening of the interchange shown Tut ". According to him, the effect will work on two levels: first is to hold mainly the Galilee and west of the center, home appraisal values "Upper Galilee would still be far more but communities like Ramat Yishai, Kiryat Tivon, Nazareth Illit settlements surrounding suburbs and Gush Segev and Karmiel will enjoy the proximity to the center. This is not the only component of time but also of ride comfort without home appraisal values traffic lights and intersections. There is also interested in psychology, and it would affect demand Haifa metropolitan area will become networked with tunnels, trains, matron and new roads as a bypass road Iscariot. improvers housing home appraisal values Haifa will be able to live in and work in Afula, or vice versa, and Afula become satellite city of Haifa. Ramat Yishai, and Kiryat Tivon are already satellite towns of Haifa and shorter home appraisal values travel time will only increase home appraisal values this trend, "he says.
According to Danos, the effect of network infrastructure can be translated into a conservative estimate of the price increases in the coming years. "This will be reflected primarily home appraisal values in demand, so there will be a situation tenders will end without offering as often happens in the periphery. Yokneam difficult to counteract price increases home appraisal values that characterized the entire country, but it is estimated attributable Change city received an increase of 10% to 15% and it is also expected coming years. Migdal Haemek Although not located on the road but is just 10 minutes away and you can "annex" that communities core located at the intersection of the center of the two roads (Highway 6 and the eastern arm) and Valley home appraisal values Railroad: as Ramat Yishai and Kiryat Tivon, with a similar rate of increase in prices ". According to him, the more remote communities is expected to price increases of 4% -8% in places like Acre and Nahariya. "With regard to the Upper Galilee is undoubtedly contribute to them financially but it is difficult to estimate how much it would lead to a rise in prices," he explains.
An important point to which Ben-Shahar turning their attention is the involvement and capacity of projects promoting community leaders. "They have to prepare strategic plans and work to attract developers, who sit and wait for demand to remain with the markings home appraisal values on the maps."
One of the most significant pieces in the "Paths of Israel" is the completion of H"hzroa East "of the country, the cost of transportation artery 2.5 billion, according to the state that will allow continuous driving without lights Yokneam to the Upper Galilee and all this network of roads with two to three lanes and speed

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