Thursday, November 20, 2014

This cycle of the index is problematic because in good years it leads to complacency real estate tr

We know that Bulgaria is not very competitive side (and therefore poor), but it seemed strange information that we abruptly collapsed in competition last year. So Dr. azglezhdam real estate trends 2013 results of "the World Competitiveness Yearbook 2010 IMD", presented yesterday by the CSD.
I immediately noticed that the classification of Bulgaria is too cyclical - in good years the economy had steadily improved ranking (got to 38 place in 2009), real estate trends 2013 while the recession have fallen in the standings (53 place in 2010).
This cycle of the index is problematic because in good years it leads to complacency real estate trends 2013 of politicians real estate trends 2013 that anything is wrong with competition, ie not encourage them to make reforms; in bad years also discourages them to make reforms because practically whatever they do, the index will go down. I'm not saying that the index is bad - but you just have to keep in mind that it includes as indicators that depend directly on government policy, and things that are influenced by other factors.
"IMD assesses Bulgaria 3rd out of 58 economies in telecommunications investment as% of GDP for the sixth speed broadband on the 8th in mobile phone subscribers and 10th in affordability of the monthly rates broadband. "
"The corporate income tax is still the lowest in Europe, study in business confirms that lower corporate tax supports entrepreneurial activity."
Any index of this type is useful if measured "factors" that affect the "result". If the index measures real estate trends 2013 the "result", real estate trends 2013 he became another statistic of past events. In other words - can economic growth real estate trends 2013 be a "factor" for economic growth, not the rate of change of exports is "factor" for the development of exports, etc. "Factors" may be the amount of taxes, speed of administrative services, quality of education, etc.
This shows that basically this index is fake. But there is no room for complacency - recently quoted real estate trends 2013 herein adequate report of the World Economic Forum, and according real estate trends 2013 to which Bulgaria ranks last in EU competitiveness. real estate trends 2013
There are more worrying things there are more terrible things, real estate trends 2013 there are more terrible things, there are more ....... High levels of: corruption, shadow economy, economic real estate trends 2013 crimes, brain drain, leakage real estate trends 2013 of arms and legs, drain ...
@ Mr. Gurov # 6 Straight ste.Svarzano. Not only that, but it is also one of the most important reasons for competitiveness. "There are more interesting things" real estate trends 2013 ... (in red font) For me it is more important. I have experience real estate trends 2013 in writing articles and comments, so please excuse real estate trends 2013 me.
What do you as a competitive company and before the first sale, already indebted to the budget? This miracle of insurance business owner, which by default can only win if a profit is absurd. And it is one of hundreds of absurdities that make absurd doing business in Bulgaria.
Forgive me those of IMD, but something they cloudy concepts. As I watch them orders rankings quite chaotic, not only because we are back. Just how Bulgaria will collapse so much, given that it has become something of the magnitude of the earthquake in Haiti. Which means that either this year our very underestimated or overestimated last us much. May be the second.
Index is one which it is constructed IMD. For the last 5-6, the university was able to enforce it, and unlike that of the World Bank, who read it read it that academics directors of multinational corporations (according to studies). That index includes real estate trends 2013 trivial real estate trends 2013 cycle indicators - international trade, international investment, employment, public finance, etc. and they collapsed does not mean that the index is bad. It just shows what happens with and a highly distorted economy in times of crisis. In the following indicators parties competing countries have found themselves real estate trends 2013 in a better position. This means that you decide to choose them and not Bulgaria. Therefore, the synthetic index your work. As for the "interesting" indicators blogger - speed broadband accessibility monthly rates of broadband access, corporate income tax, they obviously are not considered as such by people who keep their money and are not to fun.
Suppose it is true that the Bulgarian economy real estate trends 2013 is distorted. This does not bode well for the index because it has shown that distortion in advance, and in recent years has created a false rosy picture to investors that the Bulgarian economy is not distorted and that the competition gets her / wrong idea and policy makers also /.
However, I am skeptical

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