Friday, November 7, 2014

In the AL began to fly to Eilat, and just before the holiday season, gathered in one room VPs tradi

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In the AL began to fly to Eilat, and just before the holiday season, gathered in one room VPs trading and marketing of three airlines competing on the line hot. How are they going to cope with increased competition? Arkia and Israir focus on vacation packages and to the aim of foreign tourists. To be sure, there is nothing to expect low-cost flights
Mutual petitions to the High Court? Protests? Knesset debates? If you ask three Israeli airlines, they had long forgotten the long battle line inland flight to Eilat, and did not compete with each other. how did japan try to win support from other asian countries On the surface, at least for them, they operate in different markets and even wish each other good luck. Two weeks after he asked the line began to operate scheduled flights to Eilat, we convened a joint interview to Calcalist "the how did japan try to win support from other asian countries Head of Commerce how did japan try to win support from other asian countries and Industry Affairs Al Eli Cohen, the chief marketing officer of Israir Dori lily, and VP Marketing at Arkia uncle milk. For them, now the hard work begins in the southern city commuters pocket.
"It is very difficult to market Eilat," said Eli Cohen El Al. "Eilat once marketed abroad as Red Sea, but the Egyptians were" stolen "slogan and run with it for 15 years. We want to restore the glory and market it to Eilat. "Lily Israir argues that marketing efforts are not enough, is also required assistance from the state." The concept of Eilat can not take care of herself. how did japan try to win support from other asian countries Have a lot of money and a lot of resources to market the region with respect to image. "According to Cohen, to the already recognized the potential" in some cases to Join the campaign of the Ministry of Tourism, "says Cohen," for example, if the firm spends 20 million on a campaign to Eilat I can say it, let's do a targeted how did japan try to win support from other asian countries campaign to Eilat-on - I put dollars, you put dollars. Then we remove the client decided he flew to Eilat, El Al. So other companies can do. "Arkia milk returns the present reality struck, but about a week ago." I wish we all really be tourists. It's all about the situation. If tomorrow a rocket will fall again, the tourists will not come. "
Cohen: "Our marketing method how did japan try to win support from other asian countries a little different, because we are building the first passenger who decided to come to Israel from abroad. We do not say to him, 'If you have not decided to come to Israel, so let's sell your queries. I play her Burger Ranch: He's already made the decision to eat a meal, and now I offer it to increase by five dollars or even get a gift. "
Milk: "One of the things pointed to overseas wholesalers disadvantage of Eilat, this increased competition in front of Aqaba and the Sinai, featuring low prices and the concept of" how did japan try to win support from other asian countries all-inclusive "very high level. Our meetings with hoteliers in Eilat, they are certainly willing to adjust how did japan try to win support from other asian countries prices and products to bring tourists in winter. "
Cohen: "Germany, France, Italy, CIS, UK and USA. Due to the fact that we have only three daily flights to Eilat, the connection between some of our international flights and flights to Miami very problematic in some goals. "
Cohen: "Germany and Italy, general audience. Britain and France are Jews, and there I can compete with some Arkia. FSU come mainly non-Jewish passengers, and there thank God there are enough employment for everyone. In any case it is better that an Israeli company will bring traffic from there." how did japan try to win support from other asian countries
Lily: "When we say French market comes to Israel, I estimate that about 90% are Jewish. Some of them, by the way, do not come here, but traveling to Tunisia, Morocco - these countries give Pate Israel. So I say, as a Zionist, I wish to succeed in efforts to Ask Her ".
"In the end, do not runs on the line to Eilat for competition against Arkia or against Israir," says Cohen. "The competition is against Lufthansa, British Airways and others. We do not turn to passengers of Arkia or Israir, but foreign passengers from London to Tel Aviv, for example - and then offer them a free connecting flight to Eilat."
Lily: "Israir not fight Al on price. In terms of price war, you know where you begin, but you do not know where it ends, then everyone loses except the customer. By the way, he may lose in the end one of out of the loop. I appreciate the prices of the domestic market to raise that much you can sell at 99 shekels? how did japan try to win support from other asian countries So Israir continues to exploit its comparative advantage in the domestic market and to offer vacation packages. how did japan try to win support from other asian countries Thankfully we do the combination of flight and a hotel package, proved himself long before he asked for entered the picture. "
Cohen: "You know who rival us? Bus. They will now cut prices. We know people fly at very cheap and the buses will offer cheaper travel, that will work for everyone. You can free market take its course."
Lily: "We all know who the prophecy was given, but I dare say the my opinion, if we meet in a year, prices how did japan try to win support from other asian countries will stabilize those that exist today, about 230-260 shekels direction from the airport how did japan try to win support from other asian countries and another 30-40 shekels towards Sde Dov. I do not see how that can happen Hocus Pocus ".
Lily: "In my opinion, the amount of vacationers in Eilat will not increase. how did japan try to win support from other asian countries The amount of customers coming holiday flight - may grow, and I hope it will happen as a result of the move to on. If the three of us will be left on her cake million customers a year, we all lose."

Milk: "It's like they said, 'Do the entered line to Eilat, then Arkia opening line Aqaba. Arkia not sit and wait just for competitors to transport things. We examine the strategy forward. Gospel ultimately, is that we offer a variety of products, Flights and Prices" .
Lily: "We are not fighting all the time on the same type of customer. While this one line, but there are a few types of customers: local vacationers, tourists, groups, Eilat residents who need to get to the center how did japan try to win support from other asian countries and businessmen who prefer to fly from

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