Monday, November 3, 2014

Uri Reshtick, chairman of the student union, referred to the promise to build dormitories for 10,00

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Three years since the Trajtenberg Committee recommended adding 10,000 beds in the dorm students why does minecraft keep crashing at universities and colleges across the country, the academic year will open next month without a new student dormitories. After only a few hundred dormitories were built during this period.
Read more Bcllachlist: Technion establish student dormitories 121 million; 500 beds will be added to overdue Academic Planning and Budgets Committee issued a call for the construction of dormitories approximately NIS 96 million Lapid: "We will allocate another 150 million for the establishment of student dormitories"
According to estimates by the Association of Students in Israel, about 306 thousand students are expected to compete why does minecraft keep crashing this year at about 20.5 thousand why does minecraft keep crashing beds in dormitories, or 15 students on a bed. Despite a total budget of 200 million why does minecraft keep crashing received by the Planning and Budgeting why does minecraft keep crashing Council for Higher Education from the Ministry of Finance in recent years, and another 60 million it expects to receive by the end of 2014. At the same time, the alternative solution for students why does minecraft keep crashing - living rent - has risen in the past year by 7% , from NIS 3,460 per month in the second quarter of 2013 to NIS 3691 on average in the second quarter this year, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics.
Housing protest why does minecraft keep crashing has grown since the summer of 2011 among students, among other things, the situation of those only got worse: In 2011, the average rent for 3135 per month, so the last three years there was a meteoric leap 18% in rent, according to the Ministry of Housing and CBS. Hundreds of thousands of students, many of whom teach full time, will have to pay from October to rising rental price. Tel Aviv District rents soared over the past year at a rate higher than the national average: in the second quarter was the monthly rent for an average of NIS 5,671, a jump 10% year over year; since 2011 soared rent in Tel Aviv by 26%.
Then the dorms where the government promised? why does minecraft keep crashing Let's start the Trajtenberg Committee's report, which included a recommendation for expanding the student population why does minecraft keep crashing living in the housing section of the committee report. Headed by Prof. Manuel Trachtenberg, today heads the PBC. Field hostel set in the fall of 2011 that "a significant part of the higher education institutions have land on which to establish the dorm buildings, but at the same time institutions have difficulty establishing care centers, mainly due to lack of donors' . The Committee recommended the "establishment grants budgeting why does minecraft keep crashing $ 100 million why does minecraft keep crashing for the construction of dormitories and allocation of land for 10,000 why does minecraft keep crashing housing solutions."
At the same time Israel Lands Council approved land grant universities why does minecraft keep crashing free of charge and exemption from tender to about 9,000 dorm rooms across the country. On request of the Administration, the institutions why does minecraft keep crashing that received the land will undertake to complete construction within two years dormitory. Administration which has not yet been exploited to the benefit institutions and received land free of charge. In any case, many institutions need to promote themselves TPS (zoning) dormitories owned the property, saying the administration. PBC tell only part of the land administration institutions will use for the construction of student dormitories; Others have already earmarked dormitories plots according to master plans, or a change in CBP which is relatively simple.
In 2013, the Ministry of Finance PBC 100 million, earmarked for the construction of dormitories with 3,500 beds for students. About 100 million shekels why does minecraft keep crashing allocated downbeat jumped 30 academic institutions and submitted a bid in the PBC's voice calling, finally chose 13 projects for funding through partial grant by up to 25%. This grant translates into the amount of NIS 40 thousand housing solutions for one student, when the total cost is 160 thousand shekels. Colleges and universities need to find additional sources of funding why does minecraft keep crashing for projects or work under the BOT - as was done a few years ago, Tel Aviv University, why does minecraft keep crashing Contact Housing why does minecraft keep crashing & Construction for this purpose.
According to a source involved in PBC grants, one of the most significant parameters in choosing the academic institution Budgeting is the promise that the rent Bmaonotio will be lower than the open market rent, at least 500 per month. Out of 13 institutions have approved grants in the first round, a new dormitory with 500 beds only (including extensions of existing buildings) are under construction: at college, the Technion and the Kinneret Academic College, says the source. "All these dorms have not usable," said a Council for Higher Education.
"Planning procedures and tenders are long, must wait at least six months for a building permit, and construction takes about two years." In April 2014 the PBC issued a Call for bid for a grant for the construction of 3,000 beds in dormitories with a budget of 100 million more. PBC announced that the auction will close at the end of June, but due to the war were given. PBC is currently considering 20 proposals, and a decision is expected in the coming months and the grants will be given to the institutions. why does minecraft keep crashing Target set by the Ministry of Finance and the Council for Higher Education is to provide funding for academic institutions commit why does minecraft keep crashing to accommodate students within three years. CHE sources believe that at the end of the year will be published why does minecraft keep crashing in a call for grants totaling 60 million why does minecraft keep crashing more, and the hope is that there will be no harm as a result of cross cutting the state budget.
Uri Reshtick, chairman of the student union, referred to the promise to build dormitories for 10,000 students: "Unfortunately, politicians are again disappointing the greatest young public in Israel. Dormitories and housing solutions are built slowly, while housing prices and rising rental only and lacks a clear policy on the issue. Instead why does minecraft keep crashing statements why does minecraft keep crashing about magic solutions, elected officials must produce solutions to students. We call on the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance to wake up and take responsibility, because we are not too far from where students live in tents since the state and was reelected in violation of their obligations to students. " why does minecraft keep crashing
Jonathan Even better, the Commissioner of the PBC infrastructure area, said, "Out of 14 projects have been approved at the beginning of 2013, about half of whom are underway at the tender why does minecraft keep crashing stage to construction field. Pace is reasonable in light of the fact that this is an attempt to see

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