Tuesday, November 4, 2014

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Minor changes in the prices of second-hand apartments in the third quarter of 2012, according anton lang to a review of government appraiser Phone Aldorti Ministry of Justice. According to the review, in the third quarter were 5,300 transactions. The review examines only 4-room apartments second hand in 16 different cities across the country.
Read more Bcllachlist: Government Assessor: House prices rose by 1.9% in the government's assessment: the next direction of the country is the implementation plan 38 office and industrial buildings that house prices rise, but buyers mode remains stable under review, compared to the previous quarter, there 1% change in the national average (the 16 cities surveyed.) cities where there have been price increases beyond the average are: Herzliya with a price increase of 4%, Beersheba - 3%, Tel Aviv - 3% and streets and Netanya - 2%. On the other hand, the only two cities where prices fell both intelligence - 1% and Jerusalem with a decrease of 2%.
Meanwhile, Aldorti emphasizes in his review that the review relates to the period before the recent provisions of the Bank of Israel regarding the tightening of lending standards for housing investors, and before the announcement of elections. "As Slhoraot these will have an impact - it will be reflected in the next quarterly review," the review.
Referring to September data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, in which there was a sharp decline in the volume of transactions (in part due to the holidays) Aldorti said, "In September, there were increases in the volume of new home sales following the holiday season, but also in light of this new apartment buyers in 2 million sought close the deal before the rise in VAT. Second-hand apartment market were not Dramas in this quarter, the market is stagnant and the data reflect this well, the quarter was lethargic and pale. The public already understands there will be no big surprises. "
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