Saturday, November 8, 2014

Service that works comparing the prices of Internet and mobile case shiller packages

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Calcalist Dictionary
Is constantly shekel for benefit VAT 0% purchase of a first apartment is going to lose the periphery? One proposal which is now being between the Ministries of Finance and Housing, and the Chief Government Appraiser Ministry of Justice, is set threshold Kelly is different for each region and area, with continually national maximum will remain 1.6 million, as determined by the government's housing cabinet in March. However, under a proposal filed this week tel Aldroti, Government Assessor, in cities where housing prices are cheaper young couples will benefit the purchase of a new apartment, but to a lower price threshold. case shiller learned to " Calcalist ".
For example, if Be'er Sheva Chief Government case shiller Appraiser determines that the average price per square meter is 12 thousand shekels, shall be kept to 1.2 million, so young couples can buy an apartment in the city to 100 square meters and get the benefit. Large apartments that - and naturally also more expensive - a benefit not excluded.
"In order to avoid an influence in the rise in house prices case shiller as a result of this benefit, it was decided that the upper price threshold will be determined zones, depending on the location, above which there will be no benefit in that area," wrote the draft Government Appraiser initial position, came to "Calcalist". "To adjust the top rail to each region and reduce the distortions that may be caused by development of a uniform national threshold, it was decided that the government case shiller appraiser determines the value per square meter main ... new apartments built according to the definitions and properties are fixed, and cuts different parts of the country. This value will be the basis from which determined case shiller the top level of the benefit. "
These days the main government appraiser works, together with his team, to formulate the exact city price list, and is expected to submit in the coming months. Final draft outline appraisal work itself, apparently distributed the relevant government ministries in the coming days. In addition to employees of the Ministry of Justice Government appraiser, real estate appraiser will be recruited from the private sector, based on contractors for carrying out valuations per each area.
Service that works comparing the prices of Internet and mobile case shiller packages
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