Monday, November 10, 2014

But no problem is impossible. Home Daf new

Damage of "Bezeq", gas prices and water rates and ... mess "lists" | Menachem japanese legal system plurality - The Blog
The collapse of the national telephone system of "lightning" this week - albeit corrected after 4-5 hours but caused severe disruption and damage and significant in all of the country's economy. "Telecommunications" - now is a private company facing these days, facing criticism that its own decision to pull the pockets of dividends, ie funds, in the amount of 3 billion , its financial resources, is not consistent with its resources - which came on an emergency basis with the outbreak of the fault.
Amendment adopted on the treatment system, was now needed to deal with the public side. Its speakers and its CEO apologized to consumers promised to repair as quickly as possible and with regard to compensation japanese legal system for the damage caused, said that the issue "will be considered." On the technical side patch was relatively quick, [and certainly in comparison to fix the problem on the network "Cellcom" that lasted several days.]
As for compensating the company japanese legal system now announces that week will free calls to consumers to call the lines "Bezeq" cell phones No. unclear whether this benefit covers the damage caused to businesses, factories and companies as a result of the shutdown of landline telephony systems. What is clear that the compensation offered by telecommunications allows her to save money on its advertising campaign to encourage consumers to call the lines of "Bezeq" cell phones, if they need to make this phone call. This is because the price of a call wired "telecommunications" cheaper.
And compensation for the damage caused to subscribers of "lightning" that could not make calls to the lines "lightning" itself? The Company does not consider it. Ministry of Communications does not intervene in the meantime and various consumer groups japanese legal system are silent so far. We must hope that the Bezeq phone company "will need to provide adequate japanese legal system compensation compromised by court rulings claims already filed and submitted against it. Price of fuel and water rates -
And the Knesset Finance Committee held a few days ago, a special discussion following the steep increase in fuel prices. Was the consensus of the committee. Sharp rise too. Have to lower the price. japanese legal system Some of MKs argued against steep tax increases on gasoline, which decided Finance. Part argued that profit margins of oil companies is too high. But everyone agreed it should go down. Why should these guys woke up? After all, a few weeks before the coalition members voted them - and then Rob for drastic tax increases on the price of fuel and the steep price increase .. All this ashram the Arrangements Law accompanying the budget, raising the price of fuel was included in it. did not notice? t understand? nonsense. understood and voted because they thought public pay and remain silent. After the price goes up all the time as a result of the rising price of oil in the world, so do not worry if will be a big jump in price.
When suddenly "remembered" our elected officials have a problem? Once a public protest movement began. Not on the network. But when drivers -amnm not many- protested on the road and despite the small number managed to disrupt the movement. MKs from the coalition refrained from going against raising taxes by the Treasury, so chose to lash out profits of distributors. These of course the opposition took advantage of the opportunity to attack the issue from treasury and extended criticism japanese legal system on indirect taxation policy that affects more than those who have low income.
Accumulate drivers so it does not matter. He hopes the price reduction Hop "precipitously. But, it seems that the treasury is not excited. No public protests and desert MKs already Committee has no authority to decide. It does not provide an explanation here of taxation on fuel is significantly higher compared to countries in Europe, only argues upload derives purely "general policy and the environment."
The story is reminiscent of the protests about water rates. At one point, when public protests began manifested payment of civil disobedience, finance chairman threatened that prevent japanese legal system the approval of the Finance and Budget if the Water Authority will not return again liqueur intention rates. The latter actually announced the cancellation japanese legal system of the last price hike decision. The public seemed to struggle topic fruit. Just seemed. Water Authority has already announced that it is formulating a move that will further increase in the prices, and the local authorities of Finance announced that it is prepared to discuss all tariff reductions. [Although the authorities japanese legal system insist that the leaders received an explicit promise from the Prime Minister that the matter will be examined].
Are public protests are "vegetarian" too? Is the "Treasury boys" too opaque? Apparently there's a combination of two factors. Is Israel may similar public reaction to the events in Tunisia, Egypt and France in protest against the harsh decrees and unreasonable in the fields of economy and society? Hard to tell. But the rope pretty tight. Mess on the home page of "notes"
After the difficulties encountered japanese legal system in the operation of the previous platform "lists" and escape the leading team for making a change that will save the site and allow the continuation of the project, many of the writers on the knee after it aired a new home. There were difficult problems along the way, including a new platform beyond the authors [wordpress] and a similar total business stands.
But no problem is impossible. Home Daf new "reduced the number of lists presented by a third compared to the previous page as a link to news list stays on Msfik.koshi time in my opinion is far worse is that the authors link to the List" can upload new posts frequently and without restriction and thus are "pushed" out Lists of other writers. Previous platform of "lists" had a built-in limit on the number of writes can upload lists. If you upload a new list and the previous list brought up, the house is still shown on "run over" the new list that preceded japanese legal system it. Posts of other writers were not affected. This is not possible on the new house.
Undesirable outcome - there are writers that increase abruptly line posts and when they rise Homepage edged out lists of other writers. A few days ago revealed one writes

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