Thursday, November 6, 2014

In 2011 came the price of land (excluding VAT) peak: center prices reached 450 thousand housing uni


Land prices pfadanalyse in the central region surged by 60% in five years, according to a study published today by the Bank of Israel. At that time, there was a sharp increase of 30% in land prices on average nationwide. The study refers to land that was released by the Israel Lands Administration.
Read more Bcllachlist: Ministry of Housing plan: marketing and planning of land within cities and VAT refunds on new apartments Benzi Lieberman: "Housing prices will go down because the market will be flooded land" land prices bounced Administration Kfar Warburg - Court ruled reputation pfadanalyse will not be included in the price survey of Bank of Israel on the development of residential land prices, shows that from 1998 to 2012 doubled the price of land per housing unit - a figure calculated by dividing the price of land is the number of housing units can be built on it. Ie, Entrepreneurs pfadanalyse today are paying twice for each unit of land to build a single apartment, compared to 1998.
In 2011 came the price of land (excluding VAT) peak: center prices reached 450 thousand housing units and periphery saturation to 100 thousand shekels pfadanalyse - it is about one-third and one-tenth, respectively, of the price of a typical apartment 3.5 years old 4 rooms.
Overall, during the period of 12 years in the Bank of Israel, the Israel Lands Authority has sold about 11 thousand plots, intended to build 117 thousand units, of which 89% density construction and the rest detached. It should be noted that, because the Israeli market requires about 40 to 50 thousand new housing pfadanalyse units per year (due to weddings, divorce, etc.), the amounts are very low, even considering that were built during this period, tens of thousands of additional housing units on private pfadanalyse land.
The study also found that while housing prices skyrocketed pfadanalyse at a higher pfadanalyse rate than a half, land prices rose by a third between pfadanalyse 2006 and 2011. Between 1998 and 2012, the rate of increase in land prices pfadanalyse was much faster than the rate of increase in house prices, while construction inputs have increased rapidly.
Finally, it appears that the increase in house prices has affected pfadanalyse the center to the periphery, although where land prices rose moderately. Between 2006 and 2011, the prices of land for saturation (units) in the center increased by 60% as prices. In contrast, the rise in land prices in the periphery pfadanalyse was 15%, while house prices pfadanalyse have increased by about 50%.
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