Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Yes. Planning and management are the best way to make it known, to plan it as a cultural tourism pr

It is a morning in mid-October and Juanjo Peñalver, from receipt of the inn sanctuary Luke shared keys, gives advice and open maps tourists coming to stay in one of 120 rooms available. "The occupation is now 45 percent, but the weekend will be between house market 60 and 70 percent," explains Juan Antonio Amengual, tourism consultant who for more than four years manages space .
Foul just because Blauets sing the Salve and Peñalver house market said some tourists come from the mainland back to what they do to the public. For several years, singing to the Virgin Mary Luke, the patron saint of all Mallorca, in 1315, not two hours earlier, as was customary. It also includes a greeting previous attendees in several languages. These are some of the changes that have taken place in the sanctuary to facilitate knowledge among tourists and locals looking to raise fresh air, tranquility, spirituality, or simply because they have seen the guide.
"My task was to create product house market packages make marketing and activate different markets," says Amengual. One of the first measures was to rebuild the website by including a booking engine and locate the sanctuary among tour operators. "It is a product house market of 365 days," he says, and always full by rising house market Luke walking from the rest of the island and Christmas Eve.
Prior Antoni Vallespir, says the reason for this gradual process of adaptation, "We must maintain 90,000 square meters available to about 40 people and pay salaries," he says. Business issues, is dealt an external company. The first step towards the restructuring was the improvement of areas, starting with the inn and adapting different shelters for pilgrims.
The change in the profile of those who remain are explained Peñalver, who for 25 years worked in the sanctuary. "Before coming godmothers with grandchildren, maybe even summer. This has been lost. Have reduced the length of stay has remained but the influx of Mallorca, "he explains. There are families who sleep in the sanctuary a couple of weekends a year. The reduced capacity of the rooms on the other hand, has to stop there remain large groups of young people. "Now you can sleep more peacefully," he shoots Peñalver.
Behind him, a diploma portal Trip Advisor research attests to the quality of the establishment, and left a sign in English that announces the issuance of the match European Cup game against Ajax at the restaurant Sa Source Cover evidence adapt to the times of the hospice. There is wi-fi and heating with biomass created is achieved by cleaning the grove.
Luke is self-sufficient in every day, says Prior, house market who points out that there is still much work to do. "This house market road was necessary. There were years that we finished with red numbers and we should be aware that the culture of subsidies has ended, "he says. The future challenges for the sanctuary are now labeling and processing of an application for mobile devices, in addition to opening up certain house market areas now closed to the public, such as choir or file, all representative the essence of the place and its long history.
Despite the modernization of its management intends to remain a pilgrim reception area, with its characteristic austerity and spiritual house market nature reserve and quiet, as it has been throughout the centuries house market is also the oldest school of Mallorca. Kingfisher is the first documented in 1285.
Pedro Muñoz was insular director of Culture from 1997 to 1999 and CEO of Culture of the Government during the first Progress Pact. Today is dedicated to cultural management, specializing in religious heritage. Responsible, among others, the sanctuary house market of Luke.
It has long been spoken of preservation of the religious heritage. house market Managing it is one of the ways that go beyond the mere protection. Keep in mind, however, that this heritage was not created for some of the current functions. house market The convents were not created to play a museum or public visits. We have to improve the infrastructure and change some of the uses.
Yes. Planning and management are the best way to make it known, to plan it as a cultural tourism product. We enter in the field of cultural tourism within which we situate religious tourism. There are 250 million religious tourists worldwide. 80% are monitoring Marian sites.
We must not be afraid to talk about tourism. Always house market s & #

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