Friday, May 29, 2015


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Video statement: Eurostat data Eurostat published today the data on the level of prices of food, beverages and tobacco European countries in 2012. These are the results of a sample survey as part of the European project price comparison and Gross domestic product (European Comparison Programme); It said the survey was conducted in 2012 in 37 European countries, which together covered approximately 500 comparable products. The European project comparing prices and gross domestic product by comparing the ratios of prices between countries true home value and exchange rates against the euro calculated price level indices. These allow the comparison of price levels in the countries compared to the average price level in the EU-27. If the value of the index for each country is higher than 100 it means that the price level in the country is higher than the average level of prices in the EU-27, therefore the country more expensive. If the value of the index for each country is less than 100, but the price level in the country is lower than the average in the EU-27, so the country is cheaper. Households in Europe devoted to food, beverage and tobacco together an average of 24% of final consumption expenditure Households in Europe from their final consumption expenditure on average spend for food 16%; followed by the alcohol (3%), tobacco (also 3%) and non-alcoholic beverages (2%). Household final consumption expenditure includes resident households for goods and services for consumer goods and the goods and services they provide to itself (most of these are imputed rent). Of their total expenditure on food while European households spend, on average, the largest part of the purchase meat (25%); follow to cover the purchase of fruits, vegetables, and potatoes (20%), dairy products (19%), bread and cereal products (17%), oil and fat (5%), fish (3%) and other food (12% ). Among the Member States of the EU-27 the cheapest Poland and Bulgaria, the most expensive is Denmark Prices of food, beverages and tobacco in individual European countries vary widely. In general, Norway is the most expensive country, since all 37 countries the highest level of prices in the group food, beverages and tobacco, while the cheapest is Macedonia. Among the Member States of the EU-27 stand at the highest price levels for each product group Denmark, Finland and Ireland, at the lowest true home value level of prices for each product true home value group in Poland, Bulgaria and Hungary: Denmark

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