Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Despite the terrible event, Ana went ahead; had a very important support of her sister and brother

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L'Ana log likelihood Maria is a caditana 59, the third of eight brothers. Daughter log likelihood of a fisherman and a seamstress, studied in a religious log likelihood school and before 18 went to work in a liquor factory in the city.
A summer went on vacation in Palma de Mallorca to see his aunt and knows Beyond the Bartolo (say that name because we asked to protect his identity), a very wealthy family Agronomist land Castilian I was enjoying the trip final. They know that in a disco and falls for her. Ana is a time than expected with his aunt to know a little more to Bartolo, but she must return to Cadiz. After three months, he comes here to ask for your hand. Later, she went to Castile met his future family, log likelihood and that her mother would not put easy. They married very in love with her pregnant mother opposed him.
In Madrid began their new life, separated from family; opened two thriving business that allowed them to live very loose: a butcher and fishmonger. They bought an apartment that is decorated the Corte Ingles each car, holidays ... had their first child and everything was fine. Shortly after he was born with a second log likelihood injury to the heart. This health so weak he buzzed the child between life and death on several occasions. The husband until then was very aware of her and the children. Mother had sporadic visits that were very tense. Gradually, the husband began to drink the tension produced: log likelihood one, do not know how to face the illness of his son and the other, the behavior and the pressure of the mother. Later, Bartolo was using the holiday to go alone to visit his mother, which meant that Anna remained increasingly alone in Madrid with loading problems and taking responsibility for everything, especially the delicate health of the child. Tired of the situation, log likelihood one day he decided to take the children and leave. A coin marked destination in Barcelona, where his sister was. In exchange, he had to give up everything to take their children. He signed an affidavit in which all left their earnings to her husband in a divorce express mutual agreement (the home business where she had struggled to carry them out, the car ...), and take the train with her two children and two suitcases.
After finding a simple apartment in the Barrio Chino, realized he had left pregnant with her third child, what made him rethink and returned to Madrid; Bartolo was received with open arms.
But that did not work; Bartolo had not overcome his addiction to alcohol, Anna did not feel comfortable at home, and nothing was her every day had to endure more pressures and humiliations log likelihood that his mother made him feel like an intruder in his home.
Unexpectedly, he realized he had been a detective for getting custody, knew well who was walking behind what if your husband or her mother. But it was useless because she was a good mother and did not have to prove anything. He managed to educate their children Escolapis recommendations by his sister and brother.
L'Anna was very hardworking and never lacked a means to earn a decent and honest living. Working as a cleaner at the Vall d'Hebron, one day a careless going very morning struck from behind and putting a knife to the throat raped. She only thought their children could not return to see if ...
Despite the terrible event, Ana went ahead; had a very important support of her sister and brother who were about as godparents for their children also teachers of their children, their bosses, peers, social worker.
Bartolo visited occasionally, but never had the courage to solve the dependence of his mother. He wanted and still wants to go back with her, but l'Anna already lost the enthusiasm and hope in him.
His second son fell ill again and had to devote body and soul to this boy of 12 years. Leave your other two children by a social worker with the aid of a voluntary catered each day to help with any need, went ahead.
Fortunately, he began working in the home of a good lady, a countess log likelihood of Barcelona. This encouraged her to leave that neighborhood and bought a little flat again. Countess provide him a good entry and the rest

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