One of the ethical dilemmas that addresses the professionals and volunteers who we relate to people living consumption tax japan on the street is in doubt between the fundamental value of the health and life of the person and personal freedom of not wanting to change their situation .
Some people have made the street their home and take too many years on the street as a change in the way they live is lived for them and improve their condition. The weigh too present shortcomings consumption tax japan and frustrations of the past and to venture to any change that might lead to a redefinition of its role and status in society. They are made on the street and the street.
For our part, the attitude accompanying consider precisely understand their present because of his past. We can understand the apathy, lack of motivation, lack of hope ... I can understand and respect it.
The question arises when we realize the behavior of the symptoms that make us suspect that person is not free to decide, but the decision consumption tax japan is the result of some possible dementia or mental illness that prevents meaningful act
Common. The dilemma we face choices between their situation and respect their free will, or force some action, usually a hospital to assess diagnosis. Experience shows that in some cases in which it has acted against the will of the person consumption tax japan (or promoting their health), it has achieved an improvement in the situation and reconsider their intentions change.
The dilemma is further complicated when the person runs a risk to life due to progressive worsening of his health. It is in these moments when we continue debating between respecting the free will of the person not wanting to change their situation and the urgent need to remove the person who is hostile environment without it there can remedy.
About todoeltiempodelmundo Soy Miquel JuliĆ . Dicen that soy educator, but in realidad soy person. My quehacer runs between otras personas in the streets, in hospitals ... personas that have seen a situation arrojadas consumption tax japan a vivir sin home. Miembro Roots Foundation. Barcelona
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This blog rewrite all those who are part of Roots Foundation. These texts, reflections and commentary on the day to day care and support to people experiencing homelessness. We want to say loudly that people deserve all the time in the world. Recent Young Atonement A blog renovated and made between Team Residences, challenging the shower Gabriela Recent Comments on todoeltiempodelmundo A blog renovated and made between Nuria A blog where renovated consumption tax japan and made between Patricia on Integration or coexistence? The shower where Maria Gabriela Con carton on the streets on Integration or Coexistence? Silvia Tena where Tears of honor to Juan WALKING "Living and dying in the street. where ethical dilemmas in social care
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