Monday, May 25, 2015

The English writer Annabel Pitcher has achieved with his first novel agreed that many young people

Biblioblog - Off the shelf "Best of 2011: My sister lives on the fireplace
The English writer Annabel Pitcher has achieved with his first novel agreed that many young people have stuck to the argument of this book and yet the more mature audience that has also greeted with enthusiasm. In his argument we find the story of a child in their struggle to regain the welfare of his family after his sister Rose died in a fatal terrorist attack, and his father as a result of this event the delusions of the drink.
In the midst of these traumatic experiences Jamie is that despite all this family 2634 drama is hope that everything will return to normal. The feeling of excitement and optimism is present in their daily lives. Just move to live in another city must make new friends, nobody knows his past, but his situation at home has the same shade and outdoor photography and still considered a stranger among his peers. Finally worse is a friend of class SUNY, a Muslim girl, nor that it is received by colleagues or by his father. 2634 And it is hard to be your friend, because his sister hates Muslims, but gradually discovers the value of friendship, because life through the eyes of these children teaches us that no racial or social differences.
Annabel Pitcher brings us a dramatic family history but without losing the sense of humor that brings the development of events. Annabel Pilcher was born in a village in Yorkshire and studied 2634 English literature at Oxford University and has since worked in the media and as a teacher 2634 of English. His desire to write was to travel the world, taking notes on bus in Peru, in the Amazon and in the shadow of Vietnamese temples where you got the inspiration for this book has been considered the best of this year. La Vanguardia criticizes Annabel Pitcher interview in The Guardian
Bitàcora Library of Joan Olive and Milan Vilanova, conducted by WordPress.

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