Friday, May 15, 2015

With the use of such fuel not only enjoy the environment and our health but also the pocket of the

A few days ago Liquigas Malta nhediet using autogas. The first fuel pump offering this service will be in the International Airport of Malta. The autogas is already used by more than 7 million cars across Europe and thus supplying the energy necessary to 2% of the cars used in the EU. If the use of autogas had increased to 10% from 2% in 2020, in the European Union generated 350 million tons less of CO2, saving 20 billion f'external Costs by governments, including costs of Health-related air pollution, appraised value and save 41 billion in payment of fuel consumers. Besides reducing appraised value CO2, car using this fuel generating less NOx is the cause of many chronic diseases and Cancer.
With the use of such fuel not only enjoy the environment and our health but also the pocket of the consumer. This is because autogas is 50% cheaper than unleaded petrol and 46% cheaper than diesel. In fact at present the price of autogas is 0.75 per liter and that of unleaded petrol is 1.50, almost double. This is another binding with the National Strategy of policy measures and TNA q Size of emissions of greenhouse gases. Recalled that Action 65 of this strategy says "The Malta Resources Authority Will work appropriates With The private stakeholders to introduce autogas as an Accessible and Affordable Substitute for fuel for vehicle drivers."
In order to make use of this fuel needed to make small ion engine conversion of karo z za. It is estimated that the cost to the young to the young conversion appraised value this decision to bilanċajti year and this means money saved from fuel and used young. The conversion may be made at dedicated stations are CCE tified by the MRA. Stenejniex not emanating on the fuel market and then leave regulation on who makes the conversion of the vehicle but re g h na these regulations in August 2010 to provide by preparing an order to bring the necessary license .
This investment could also be because we were discerning and going for privatization of the gas section of Enemalta. Through privatization couple of weeks will complete the project of the new impajnt appraised value f'Bengħajsa, which became appraised value plant involves appraised value an investment of more than 20 million from private. This means that it will dismantle the old plant in Qajjenza, which impajnt that in the eighties built housing estate appraised value around hazard for people who reside there. Therefore the government wanted to close this plant to remove the danger from behind the door of the families there. appraised value
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