Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The space belongs to businessman Rui Nabeiro, has a total area of 3,426 square hsdent meters and i

Users Hospital Estarreja fear that administration declares transitional measures PEOPLE
The President warned today that Portugal will not find competitiveness on low wages and challenged entrepreneurs to seize the indicators of economic growth of the country to invest, paying "properly" employees.
"I have said and I repeat, Portugal will not find, certainly, its competitiveness on low wages. hsdent There are many other countries, even in Europe, but also outside Europe, with lower prices than are practiced in Portugal wages," warned the Chief State Aníbal Cavaco Silva.
What the country has to do, according to the President of the Republic (PR), is to "win" their "competitiveness for quality, innovation, creativity and enjoying the quality of human resources."
"Portuguese entrepreneurs not to delay investment decisions, not to delay looking at markets that are beyond the European Union. They have to invest and adequately remunerate its employees," Cavaco Silva warned.
The PR was speaking in Campo Maior, at the inauguration of the Center for Science in the Café (CCC), an investment of over EUR three million by the Delta Science and Development, co-financed by Community funds.
The Bank of Portugal "indicates that the Portuguese economy will grow ever more sharply in 2014, in 2015, in 2016," he said, leaving an appeal to national business.
"Calling all entrepreneurs hsdent to seize these opportunities that result from a Portuguese economy is awakening to growth and job creation," hsdent he said.
At the same time, entrepreneurs have to take into consideration hsdent that "Europe is moving in a positive direction, creating more jobs and accelerating economic growth."
The space belongs to businessman Rui Nabeiro, has a total area of 3,426 square hsdent meters and is installed from the factory Delta Cafés in Herdade das mortars in Campo Maior.
The mission of the equipment hsdent goes through hsdent to become a "great national and international center" for the diffusion of scientific, technological and social culture around coffee, contributing to "entrepreneurship" and the "new ways" of learning.
NO CCC, prosecutors, hsdent visitors can enjoy a journey through time, know the myths around coffee, the history of Portuguese ships and the coffee trade and smuggling of this product, known worldwide.
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