Thursday, June 26, 2014

1. The housing market in the States pulls absolutely NOT. On the contrary, there is a small 10 year

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The financial crisis is behind us. This view is at least the Japanese Nomura same lines and that big Japanese southern california car shows bank nevertheless excelled especially in recent years sounds optimistic. The research team, led by Michael Kurtz, put it this way: "There was no memo, but for your information, the financial crisis is over." Financial crisis in the rearview mirror
1) The sustainable recovery in the U.S. housing 2) The shrinking difference between the U.S. and China's balance of payments 3) The decline in spreads in interest rates in Europe between southern california car shows northern and southern Europe 4) The expansion of the European economy
Nomura expects, in line with the vision of the disappearance of the financial crisis, southern california car shows that share prices will be driven by the business results and less by macro economic risks more. And since the Japanese expect the economy to a growth spurt will make globally creates a continued favorable environment for equities.
1. The housing market in the States pulls absolutely NOT. On the contrary, there is a small 10 years ago pack loans are agreed that they had no capital to pay back, then do. 1st 10 years Those 10 years have now passed and the problems are therefore to. Plus, see more and more young people denied loans. 2. Shrinking difference in trade. Yes, if the Americans have no money to buy Chinese stuff than actually shrinks the difference in trade. 3. Declining spreads between N and S Europe. Yes, for the time being - until the Spanish, Ita, ian and Portuguese banks will admit that they are rising problem loans annex depreciation. 4. European growth? Q3 GDP shrank 0.1% from Q2 this year. What growth?
Germany 10 years can borrow money at an interest rate of ...

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