Thursday, June 19, 2014

The G7, the Group of Seven rich industrial countries, and the central bankers warn the world of the

Japan takes extra measures to protect against the effects eprices of the financial crisis. eprices Its banking sector Prime Minister Taro Aso announced Monday include eprices the government fund supplement. For aid to financial institutions
Aso called No amounts, but the Japanese Economy eprices Minister Kaoru Yosano said yesterday eprices that the fund should eprices be complemented converted to 86.4 billion according to him. That's five times more than is currently available.
The G7, the Group of Seven rich industrial countries, and the central bankers warn the world of the vulnerability of the Japanese currency. If necessary, the Japanese government eprices and its central bank to intervene in the short term downwards. The value of the yen The yen rose last month by 15 percent versus the dollar. One reason for the appreciation of the yen is that the so-called yen carry trade is grinding to a halt by the turmoil in the financial markets.
Foreign investors borrowed before the outbreak of the financial crisis, the Japanese yen at low interest rates. These loans were used for investments in countries where a higher interest rate is given. For investors who currently have outstanding loans in yen, it becomes more expensive to resolve its debts. A strong yen for the Japanese economy disadvantageous because the export position is deteriorated. The Nikkei Index, the main measure of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Monday closed 6.4 percent lower at the lowest level in 26 years.
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