Monday, June 9, 2014

The list varies depending on the company and the documents that it produces; deadlines house prices

Consequently more than one company and / or professional can face is to respond in court to discard documents that may prove tax or labor, without their having reached time limits provided by law.
Clear examples of penalties for inappropriate house prices 2012 disposal of documentation are Fines and Notices of Violation on account of non tax attestation required by auditors; Loss Litigation (Labor, Civil etc..) with very high values of cause for lack of documentation as may legally prove that the company is current in its obligations to the worker, society house prices 2012 and the State.
The list varies depending on the company and the documents that it produces; deadlines house prices 2012 guard vary according to the specificity of the document and meet federal, state and / or municipal laws. A clear distinction deadlines guard example can be seen in the following table, which has been specified the type of document, the terms of custody, the final destination of the documents and observations of legislation.
DOCUMENTS TERMS OF GUARD (In Years) ALLOCATION NOTES Announcements Permanent Disposal Guard Banking 7 Item I of 5 of Article 206 of Law No. 10,406 Balance Sheet - Article 10 of Law No. 556 of 25.06.1950 for the duration Saving Certificates According to the legal validity Account Water 7 Article 173 of Law No. 5,172 of 25/10/1966 Account of Light 7 Article 173 of Law No. 5,172 of 25/10/1966 Lease of Property for the duration + 07 subsection I of 5 of Article 206 of Law No. 10.406 of Service Agreement for the duration + 07 Item I of 5 of Article 206 of Law No. 10,406 copies Cheque 7 Item I of 5 of Article 206 of Law No. 10406 DAE - Document State Collection 7 Article 173 of Law No. 5,172 of 25/10/1966 DAMEF - Annual Statement of the Fiscal Budget Motion 7 Article 173 of Law No. 5,172 of 25/10/1966 DAPI - Declaration of Determination and Information ICMS 7 Article 173 of Law No. 5,172 of 25/10/1966 DARF / COFINS 12 Article 46 of Law No. 8212 of 24/07/1991 DCTF - Statement of Charges and Federal Tax Credits 12 Article 46 of Law No. 8,212 of ICMS 24/07/1991 - Gathering Guide 7 Articles 116 and 421 of Decree No. 2.637/98 property tax - Property Tax Territorial Urbano 7 Article house prices 2012 173 of Law No. 5,172 of 25/10/1966 Register of Heritage house prices 2012 Art 1 . 174 and 195 of the Book Diary 1 National Tax Code Section 174 and 195 of the Tax Code National Ledger 1 Article 174 and 195 of the Tax Code of the National Disaster Work - CAT 12 + for the duration of Article 103-A of Law No. 8,213 of 7/24/91; Article 46 of Federal Law No. 8.212/91; Article 22 of Federal Law No. 8.213/91; Title II, Chapter V of the Federal house prices 2012 Decree-Law No. 5.452/43 (CLT); NR-7, 7.4.8, MT to Ordinance No. 3.214/78; Arts. 189, VII, 227 and 228 of the Settlement Instruction INSS No. 78/2002 Agreement Article 7 7 of the XXIX Federal house prices 2012 Constitution of 1988 Extension Agreement Article 7 7 Hours XXIX of the Constitution of 1988 Accord Hours Worked 7 Article 7 XXIX of the Constitution of 1988 Warnings / Suspension 7 Article 7 XXIX of the 1988 Federal Constitution Amendment Cadastral Job 2 Article 45 1 of Law No. 8212 of 24/07/91 Life Insurance Policy 4 Article 206, 1, item II of Law No. 10,406 of 10/01/2002 Insurance Policy Building 4 Article 206, 1, item II of Law No. 10,406 of 10/01/2002 Article 12 Certificates admission 68 1 of Law No. 8.213 of 24.07.91 Certificates Resignation house prices 2012 and Salaries 12 Article 45 of Law No. 8212 of 24/07/91 Medical Excuses Article 11 7 of the XXIX Federal Constitution of 1988 Certificates of Occupational Health ( ASO) 12 Article 103-A of Law No. 8.213 of 07/24/91 Infraction FGTS 31 Article 9, paragraph IV of Law 8036 of 5/11/90 house prices 2012 Infraction INSS 12 Article 45 of Law No. 8212 of 07/24/91 Sickness 12 Article house prices 2012 68, 1 of Law 8,213 of Birth 07/24/91 Aid 12 Article 72, 2 of Law 8213 of 7/24/91 Receipt Notice and Holiday 9 Article house prices 2012 7 XXIX of the Federal Constitution of 1988 Advance Notice Article 7 9 of the Constitution XXIX 1988 Point Card Article 7 9 of the Constitution XXIX 1988 Proof PIS / PASEP 12 Article 46 of Law No. 8,212 of 07/24/91 Contract Work Experience While Vigora 07 + Article 45 1 of Law No. 8.212 of 24/07/91 Internship Contract While Vigora 07 + Article 7 XXIX of the Federal Constitution of 1988 Dossier Clerk While the bond remain Art. 45, 1 of Law No. 8212 of 24/07/91 will be transferred to permanent custody after ending the relationship of the employee with the company. Timesheet Article 11 7 of the Constitution XXIX 1988 Payroll 31 Article 32 and 45 of Law No. 8212 of 24.07.91 and Article 225 of Decree No. XXX GRPS / INSS Gathering Guide 1 10 Art . 32, single; Article 45, 1 and Article 46 of Law No. 8212 of 24/07/91 Federal Supplementary Law No. 70/91 Guides FGTS (ER / GR) 1 Article 9, section IV and Article 23, 5 d

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