Monday, June 23, 2014

The Japanese Nikkei japanese economic miracle index rose on Monday, March 9, 2009

The Japanese Nikkei japanese economic miracle index rose on Monday, March 9, 2009 'Time' titled 'Nikkei thunders to lowest level since 1982. But what is the Nikkei index? What happened in 1982? What is now going on in the Japanese stock market? Has all this to do with the global financial crisis, or fear again the culprit? The Japanese Nikkei index, the Nikkei is the major Asian stock market index at the Tokyo Stock Exchange. This index shows prices show 225 shares. Nikkei stands for Japanese financial newspaper. Nikkei is not the only stock exchange in Japan. The other stock exchange called Topix, japanese economic miracle and it acts in all, about 1700, leading shares in Japan. japanese economic miracle Nikkei reached japanese economic miracle on December 29, 1989 its highest point. That point has Nikkei can never match.
Which world-famous companies, there are Zoal listed on the Nikkei? These are: Carmakers such as Honda, Mitsubishi Estate, japanese economic miracle Toyota and Nissan Canon Sony Nintendo Yamaha japanese economic miracle Why did the Nikkei down suddenly so fast? The U.S. car giant General Motors has to deal with the threat japanese economic miracle of bankruptcy. This tension in the global automakers japanese economic miracle also immediately reflected japanese economic miracle very clearly the relationship between the auto giants. Other giant automakers japanese economic miracle such as Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi, etc. It shows again If one is having difficulties, then the other feels that in terms of orders, deliveries of components, etc. Due to the financial crisis in the world become japanese economic miracle more and more large companies in trouble. A country like Japan was always the good financial performance. But unemployment has now risen rapidly. In the streets of Tokyo even created a new phenomenon; homeless and unemployed. The Nikkei in 1982, the Nikkei closed at oktober1982 already dramatically low. When this index was also as low as now, in March 9, 2009. Investors are in the grip of fear because the demand for goods from abroad is strongly decreased. By the international crisis Japan is a country that has its resources japanese economic miracle to the export of products. Mainly due At present, however, the opposite is the case. Japan imports a lot now, and that's mostly a bad sign of the car manufacturers. The rates include japanese economic miracle on the Nikkei are also dependent on political decisions abroad. japanese economic miracle As a superpower like China decides to give the economy a boost in their own country, then it will have a positive effect on the Nikkei index. So investors immediately react positively when a senior Chinese official has announced his intention to invest in Japanese japanese economic miracle machinery to agriculture and the construction industry in their own country to go to stimulate more. A profit alarm when the expected gain from a large publicly traded japanese economic miracle company a lot less as predicted is going to fall out, then there is a gain alarm. For example, that happened on February 20, 2009 when tire manufacturer Bridgestone did a good profit alarm. Again responded japanese economic miracle the Nikkei index nervous and as a result, the index fell sharply.
Other indices on stock markets are: The Kospi in Seoul New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street Dow Jones in London Hang Seng in Hong Kong Amsterdam Exchange Index (AEX) in Amsterdam NASDAQ in New York, Canada and Japan Read on Stock Exchanges: Crisis on stock exchanges . (Special)
2009 - 2014 Dorybos published in Investment japanese economic miracle (Finance) on. The copyright of this article is the information officer. Without the consent of the post! Multiplication is prohibited. Related Articles
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