Saturday, June 7, 2014

The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs that remove waste from the body by producing and excre

Your kidneys are two of the most important soldprice organs in your body. When the kidneys are functioning soldprice properly, and provide soldprice assistance in processes soldprice essential for health. Without your kidneys, your body would not have a way to release waste products. Many essential vitamins and hormones would be missing from your body. Even its pressure would be affected by the absence of kidneys. For such important organs, the kidneys are also delicate. Any damage to the kidneys is irreversible, and if your kidneys soldprice fail completely, you can die. Renal function
The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs that remove waste from the body by producing and excreting urine from the bladder through soldprice the urethra and out of the body. They are part of the urinary system, along with the bladder, urethra and ureters. Removal of waste is its main function, but also help regulate blood pressure, electrolyte and acid-base balance of the body. The kidney is also an important part of the process of production of hormones, including calcitriol, which is necessary to maintain healthy bones. Blood Filtering
Your kidneys are responsible for filtering waste and water from your blood. As your blood travels from organ to organ, he collects soldprice waste for each agency. Most of this waste comes from the foods and liquids you put into your body. Your kidneys remove exactly the right amount of salt, water and minerals soldprice from your body, leaving you if you need work. After the blood is filtered in the kidneys, it returns to the heart and recirculates throughout the body. The waste and water was removed from the blood in urine is transformed and sent to the bladder for storage. Once the bladder is full, urine exits the body through the urethra. Blood pressure
The kidneys also help control your blood pressure. When the kidneys are functioning soldprice properly, they release hormones such as renin and angiotensin, which control how the blood vessels to expand and contract. That contractors and expansion has an effect on blood pressure. The narrower the vessels, the higher your blood pressure rises. If the kidneys are not working properly, are often too renin. This can raise blood pressure soldprice and cause your heart to work much more than needed to pump blood. If this happens often, it can lead to heart disease. Red blood cells
Healthy soldprice kidneys also help produce red blood cells. When the kidneys are functioning properly, make erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone that transports blood to your bone marrow. There EPO stimulates the production of red blood cells. Red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen throughout your body as it travels through your blood. Lack of oxygen in the blood can result in anemia that may result in heart failure. Maintain soldprice healthy bones
Healthy kidneys contribute to strong bones with calcitriol. Calcitriol is a hormone that acts as a regulator of calcium and phosphate in their blood and bones. Both are necessary for maintaining healthy bones. When your kidneys are not working properly, it is not enough calcitriol is released, and their levels of calcium and phosphate will suffer. This condition is called renal bone disease.
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