Sunday, June 1, 2014

Simon Schwartzman: If the teacher has no training in the area it serves is not fit to teach, which

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Data from the School Census 2013 conducted by the National Institute for Educational Studies (Inep) show that 51.7% of high school teachers in Brazil have no degree in the discipline in which they operate. Other 22.1% of the teachers who are ahead of the divisions of the country do not have any degree. The low qualification of teachers is reflected in the poor training of students and professionals in the country.
For the sociologist Simon Schwartzman, Education Specialist, level of training offered by national universities care more than the fact that there are teachers without diplomas. "The problem is not so much that there are teachers house selling prices without higher level but the low level of qualifications of these professionals," opines.
Simon points out other problems such as poor school teacher pay, lack of full travel, the existence of evening classes in high school, etc.. He advocates for increased investment in the sector. "I think it is worth the effort to increase spending house selling prices on education. The important thing is to make sure that this increase will be accompanied by appropriate policies so that the money is well used, "he explains. Read the interview:
Millenium Institute: What are the consequences of poor training of teachers on students? The poor performance in the Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa), house selling prices for example, is the result of lack of training of teachers?
Simon Schwartzman: If the teacher has no training in the area it serves is not fit to teach, which has support for more books and teaching materials. The Pisa evidently reflects that. The teacher quality is a decisive factor for the evaluation.
Imil: According to the Census 2013 in the final years of primary school 21.5% of the teachers have no college education and 35.4% had not completed degree. Studies house selling prices in Higher Education and Research in Business, Economics and Law (Insper), 2011, pointed out that the fundamental level is a decisive factor for the formation of the young period. The quality of Brazilian house selling prices universities is also hampered by the lack of preparation of teachers?
Schwartzman: The upper courses of teacher training does not adequately prepare teachers. In other words, the problem is not so much that there are teachers without higher level but the low level of qualifications of these professionals.
Imil: In March, an audit of the Court of Audit (TCU), done in partnership with state courts of accounts, had already indicated shortage of 32,000 teachers with specific training in 12 required courses of the average level. This shortage of teachers points to a profession that has been devalued in the country. How can we reverse house selling prices this situation?
Schwartzman: The medium and long term, will depend, among other things, a higher salary house selling prices level. Nowadays, house selling prices teachers' salaries house selling prices are lower than in other professions with higher education. But do not just increase salaries. It is also necessary house selling prices to improve the quality of training. That said, it should be noted that when contests house selling prices are open to teachers there are always many candidates. Many people seek this type of employment due to the stability of the public service.
Imil: The value of teachers is one of the goals of the National Education Plan (PNE), however, is another goal of spending 10% of GDP on education. Spending 10% is above average in the world and developed countries, neither in times of expansion of education house selling prices so spent. How do you see the situation?
Schwartzman: The needs are undeniable. You must provide full-time teaching house selling prices and end the night high school courses. These problems are very serious. All this requires a lot of money. Brazil does not spend 10% but 5% of GDP on education, but it is clear that the calculation is done on an income that is not too high. Developed countries spend a similar proportion, based on a much higher income than Brazil. I think it is worth the effort to increase spending on education. The important thing is to make sure that this increase will be accompanied house selling prices by appropriate policies so that the money is well used.
Tags: high school degree education diplomas Simon Schwartzman National Treasury continues using the co

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