Sunday, September 7, 2014

Who likes waiting for a taxi? Dispatching confirm that the driver will come in a few minutes, but t

Who likes waiting for a taxi? Dispatching confirm that the driver will come in a few minutes, but the customer waiting time as much. Usually does not know from which company you pick ordered because it can store all mobile numbers. It is also different. Mobile applications that have added value for the customer, likelyhood ratio can earn without likelyhood ratio being paid. Their price is loyalty to the brand and its image.
Mobile application that uses the example Uber taxi company in the U.S. San Francisco, operates using a GPS device that is part of the equipment of almost every taxi. Customer enters the address where it is located, and the application it automatically displays likelyhood ratio the next available taxi. This gives the opportunity not only to estimate how much time you spend waiting for transportation, but during the full path to it can track. So if it happened that this taxi driver changes his mind and picks up better passers, the customer finds it first.
At the October conference, Trend and Internet advertising, the main topic was how to make the Internet giants, made in the section titled zAPPni mobile and Michal Blazej, production director of the Lighting Beetle. He spoke, for example, that the needs of the customer must be the focus of any company, whether it uses any communication channel. "For mobile application, this means that its value should be noticed immediately. Should provide the information the user needs at a given moment, "explains M. Blaise and the example of the application itrans, personal navigator in the maze of public transport. Prepare her students from the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies STU in Bratislava and Slovak competition AppsRulezz 2011 was ranked as best nebrandová best smartfónová application or application. Its contribution is based on the fact that searches for the next to depart, which, according to GPS in the vicinity of the user, and also provides a travel planner.
According to M. Blaise is currently helping customers key benefits of mobile applications. This is especially true when used as a support for branding. "The brand is communication likelyhood ratio through mobile applications usually one of many communication channels. Thus, when developing applications, firms should likelyhood ratio think first and foremost on how they can help your customers, wherever they are. Copying the same message on all channels is not the solution. For example, a web page is about content, the user will find the answers to her questions. In case of application, however, likelyhood ratio the user knows what's going on, because likelyhood ratio it has withdrawn, so look for some in the current situation usable thing, "explains M. Blaise.
Increasingly use mobile applications even within marketing is understandable - it is a huge market, whose worldwide likelyhood ratio earnings moves in the billions. Analyst firm Flurry points out, a day that people spend more and more time using mobile apps than surfing the internet on computers or laptops.
While in June last year, it shall be for internet surfing sixty-four minutes per day and mobile applications only forty-three minutes, in December was relatively stable in June this year, the cards turned. On the Internet, people spend only about ten minutes more, the use of mobile applications has increased likelyhood ratio almost twice.
Some estimates say even that would be able to overtake mobile applications and social networks. Martin Woska, digital director of an advertising agency Triad Advertising, would they not compared with social networks, although on the other hand, confirms that this market will grow. "Mobile applications market is more like software products as a social platform that earns advertising. That this market will grow even more strongly about it, I believe. The young generation is raised on all conveniences and games that offer smartphones, so just wait until the heading of kúpyschopné population, "he says with a smile M. Woska. In his blog at the beginning of the year predicted that mobile marketing is one of the future trends in digital marketing.
In his opinion, will become increasingly likelyhood ratio important Geolocation services. In addition likelyhood ratio to product and price will thus depend on where the company's product offering and where you at that moment likelyhood ratio is their customer. "We expect an increase in the number of applications using search likelyhood ratio and targeting likelyhood ratio based on your current location. Whether it will be integrated in mobile devices, GPS navigation or tablet, "writes M. Woska, who collaborated on creating mobile applications for example Zuno Bank or Pilsner Urquell. While mobile application Zuno locates the nearest ATM cash machines in the area, view the address, distance if the user selected an ATM also navigate, Pilsner Compass brings fans and lovers' plzničky "directly to the source of their favorite likelyhood ratio beer.
Mobile applications have the potential. likelyhood ratio Evidenced by the fact that many people likelyhood ratio delay the phone or when watching television. Eighty percent likelyhood ratio of viewers advertisement likelyhood ratio does not switch, but it ignores and plays with the phone. The fa

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