Friday, September 26, 2014

2000-2014 Phone: 0620-9310-378 Email News

The 36-year-old specialist in the last six years, Hungary was Novell's strategic projects manager, up my street schools then director, and takes an active up my street schools part in the work of several professional and social organizations. Invitel Judge Albert will be responsible for the company's government and public sector projects related to the management and development of the sales strategy of the company in this field. Invitel is still a number of public and administrative actors, including ministries, national competence bodies, hospitals, local governments and state-owned companies providing ICT services across the country. The new government appointed sales manager of the company is not clear aim that the hitherto largely able to deal with changing state and administrative processes, needs and able to cooperate more effectively in pursuit up my street schools for a publicly-owned companies to rationalize better.
"Over the past couple of years has accelerated digitization of the public sector, our clients also own this occurs; who have used ADSL, leased line internet has become. The island-like, per building, per site or even stand-alone operating servers and replaced more and more by the central data management and storage projects, up my street schools and this most sought bérelt- or virtualized servers. The most important keyword data, this needs to be accessed quickly, securely, anytime and anywhere. The administration may differ from the competitive stage, that the service provider is more important role in the joint development, up my street schools this is - as it has - we will be partners in the future. I am confident that Judge Albert professional experience, market knowledge, and the liveliness typical of the work efficiency and provide even more value to all this "- said György Zsembery Invitel deputy CEO.
Judge Albert Invitel new government sales manager, stated the following "radically transforming the state and public administration is necessary because of cheaper, more efficient and safer to operate ICT in the public sector. To do so will be made in the field of e-government solutions and mainly in the health, traffic, education information further improvements. Invitel up my street schools is the domestic side, combining the most advanced international technology solutions and expert partner wishes to participate in this competition will be even more effective in part. "
Judge Albert in 1999, she graduated from the technical manager of the Kalman Kando Technical College and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, he continued his studies with an MBA first, and later earned a degree in foreign trade economist. In 1998, he began his professional career at Ericsson Hungary Ltd. and one of its predecessor company, Invitel became PanTel Telecommunications Plc. Marketing manager. Later, the S & T Hungary. Worked as a business manager, and in 2005 was for Novell, which first strategic project manager, and from 2008 he worked as director of strategy until now. Judge Albert the work of several professional and civic organizations play a role; Member up my street schools of the Board since 2003 Rákóczi Alliance, which performs the Society of Information Technology Association, which, inter alia, the ICT profession annual survey of large armies, Info Space Conference is organized by one of the largest non-profit social organization, supervisory board chairman position in the country.
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2000-2014 Phone: 0620-9310-378 Email News

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