Thursday, September 4, 2014

Documents Overview of PDF documents with pricing decisions for 2012 in the table. Table 1. 1 Proces

Heat price in Slovakia provides Regulatory Office for Network Industries (URSO). For each supplier of heat - regulated entity - RONI issued pricing decisions and publishes them on its website. Processing data from these decisions can get different reports. URSO for 2012 have been processed "by prix m2 montpellier hand" - from PDF documents data were entered into the database. Eponymous article was published on the Company's reasonable consumers Slovakia. Map
On the map background shows signs associated pricing decisions issued by the Regulatory Office for Network Industries. prix m2 montpellier Variable and fixed component (the so-called. Bicomponent price) is converted to a price per MWh and geolokovaná of the address of the regulated entity or delivery prix m2 montpellier points.
FIG. 1 Window Web application. For pricing decisions issued by regulated entities in the form of PDF documents data are transferred to the database web application. In addition to compiling the map database allows you to get various additional data, reports and statistics.
Documents Overview of PDF documents with pricing decisions for 2012 in the table. Table 1. 1 Processed documents pricing decisions for the 2012 Characteristic Value Number of documents pricing decisions 363 Number of documents with prices for households 324 documents with a single price for homes 281 Number of documents with multiple prices for households 43 Prices
Overview of heat prices for households in 2012 in the tab. Table 2. 2 Statistics heat prices for households in 2012 Characteristic Value N - the number of prices 631 min - the lowest price of 14.31 / MWh avg - average price of 98.93 / MWh max - the highest price 269.57 ur E / MWh
Overview of the number of occurrences of prices in 2012 are presented in Table. 3 - fig. 2 and Tab. 4 - fig. Table 3. 3 Number of prices in the three intervals. Range of prices Number of prices blue markers on the map for a price in the range up to 89.04 / MWh 169 Green markers on the map for a price in the range 89.04 to 108.83 / MWh 323 red markers on the map for a price in the range of 108.83 / MWh 139
The price range for the green signs from 89.04 to 108? 83 / MWh is around 10 per cent average price is 98.93 / MWh. Tab. 4 Distribution of the number of occurrences prices. A spread of / MWh price count from 0 to 10 0 1 10 to 20 20 to 30 30 to 40 1 3 7 40 to 50 50 to 60 13 60 to 70 23 70 to 80 42 80 to 90 82 90 až 100197100-110 134110-120 58120-130 31130-140 13140-150 4150-160 4160-170 7170-180 2180-190 1190-200 3200-210 2210-220 0220-230 2230 240 0240-250 0250-260 0260-270 1
The price URSO shows the maximum price that the contractor may not exceed. However, it is possible to negotiate a lower price. About it but no information is available. They are not data about what volumes supplied to the heat are used individual prices. Reports of actual prices could be clarified, for example, if it was the individual prices of heat for households connected prix m2 montpellier to the expected power reserved by the heat and / or estimate the number of households odoberajúcich heat at a given price.
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