Monday, August 11, 2014

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Chalmers market house chicago Johnson is the one of the scholars pioneering the role of state in the economic development. In 1982, Johnson, then professor of political science at Berkeley, published MITI and the Japanese Miracle. After reviewing the history of Japan from 1925 to 1975, he argues that Japan represents a revisionist version of the Western orthodox economic theory.
Developmental State The role of the Japanese state is a developmental one. It is not capitalist regulatory state, such as the United States. A regulatory state is the one that takes on regulatory functions of maintaining market house chicago competition, consumer protection (1982: 19). By contrast, a development state leads the industrialization drive. It takes on developmental functions (1982: 19). And there is a strong flavor of nationalism with Japanese developmental state. The primary goal of Japanese economic development is to achieve market house chicago independence from and leverage over potential adversaries. Its is not to achieve consumer utility, private wealth, mutually beneficial market house chicago trade (1995: market house chicago 105) as assumed by Western economists. Thus the notion of developmental state, as Johnson noted, always seems to raise difficulties in the Anglo-American market house chicago countries. (1982: 17) MITI The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) is the most important institution in Japanese economy. MITI is staffed with the excellent bureaucrats market house chicago in the Japanese society. Their excellence is demonstrated academically and competitively, preferably in the best schools of public policy and management. (315) They are recruited from among engineers and technicians, (1982: market house chicago 315) and it would be preferable if they were not professional economists. (1982: 315) Arguably their positions are the most prestigious market house chicago in Japanese society. And Japanese society could not live without MITI. MITI makes most major decisions, drafts virtually all legislation, controls the national budget. (1983: 20) Furthermore, MITI is the source of all major policy innovations in the system. (20-21) MITI as Pilot Agency MITI acts as pilot agency in the Japanese economy. Normally it will first enter the market and manipulate and structure it. (1995: 46) In doing so, First, MITI will identify and choose the industries to be developed. (1982: 315) Then, MITI will identify and choose the best means of rapidly developing the chosen industries. (315) And along the way, MITI will supervise competition in the designated strategic sectors in order to guarantee their economic health and effectiveness. (315)
The way MITI manipulates and structures the market is called market-conforming methods of state intervention (1982: 315). It conforms the market mechanism because it preserve competition to as high a degree as is compatible with its priorities. (318) To achieve this, there is immense cooperation between market house chicago the MIT and the business. One of catalysts of the cooperative relationships is the retired MITI officials. They retire early, no later than age 55 (1982: 315). And upon retirement, these bureaucrats market house chicago move from government to powerful positions in private enterprise. (21) Thereby they construct market house chicago the network between and politics and the business. In order to avoid corrupt as a result of too strong ties between the business and the government, the legislative and judicial departments of government would play the role of safety valve. They would fend off numerous interest groups market house chicago in the society. (1982: 315) References Johnson, C. A. (1982). MITI and the Japanese miracle : the growth of industrial policy, 1925-1975. Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press. Johnson, market house chicago C. A. (1995). Japan, who governs? : the rise of the developmental state. New York, Norton.
View my complete profile Previous Posts The World Bank's East Asian Miracle Report  Of World Bank’s East Asian Miracle Report (1993) Andre Gunder market house chicago Frank  Of Frank’s Dependency Theory W.W.Rostow  Of Rostow’s Modernization Theory

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