Monday, August 4, 2014

Furthermore, reas was cut all those who need to improve housing conditions. Some of them, knowing w

Real Estate Consulting and citizenship in Europe. Selling real estate life values inventory in Europe. Organization to travel to Europe to inspect the Objects. Real Estate Consulting and citizenship in Europe residential and commercial (investment) international real estate in Europe!
Photo from the website zviazda.byGetae summer marked a major activity of buyers, if flats in the secondary market of the capital acquired almost "bundles", life values inventory and flew up prices. However, in the other half of August, this activity has decreased several times. On trends in the secondary market housing estate Minsk correspondent "Stars" says our expert - chairman of the Belarusian Association of "Real Estate", the director of the agency "BelTsTN" Nikolai Prostolupov.
Back in early August, the minimum prices for frail adnapakaevyya apartments in the former capital of the girls reached 52-54 thousand dollars. For similar price tag of housing in the city no longer exists. Even the smallest area adnapakaevyya apartments at the extreme levels of former five-story building offers no less than 56-58 thousand dollars. life values inventory Now the money request for malametrazhki life values inventory with a total area of 30 to 32 square meters. Similar apartments in the information catalog has no more than 8-10 options. Typically, these facilities are only available factory area, Shabani and point to quite advanced in other areas of the girls.
For the same area and quality of housing in residential life values inventory districts life values inventory of Minsk request is from 60 to 65 thousand dollars. It turns out that the average cost per square meter in small adnapakaevak actual transactions reaches 1800-1850 life values inventory dollars. Once adnapakaevak area reaches 44 square meters (as in panel girls), prices immediately increased from 65 to 75 thousand life values inventory dollars. Regarding spacious life values inventory adnapakaevyh apartments in central areas of the capital, the prices are generally going wild. Premises of around 40-45 "squares" already offered for 80-95 thousand dollars. life values inventory Dvuhpakaevka cheap - at least 65 thousand dollars
According to Nicholas Prostolupova, the average cost per square meter of apartments dvuhpakaevyh stereotypes of prefabricated life values inventory houses in residential districts of Minsk in real transactions is about 1650-1700 dollars. Here the price tag of the "square" depends on the quality and size of the apartment. If dvuhpakaevka not "Deny" and simultaneously tiny, the cost per square meter there will be more expensive.
In extreme old girl on floors can be found relatively cheap dvuhpakaevki where the standard of 43 square meters life values inventory will cost 65-70 thousand dollars. Real estate consultant estimated that less than two months dvuhpakaevak minimum price increased by about 3-4 thousand dollars. However, more or less attractive dvuhpakaevyya apartments are already at least 73-80 thousand. Show most pre large number of proposals falls on dvuhpakaevki in panel 9-storey girls with a price tag of 80 to 120 thousand.
It turns out that very tiny trohpakaevka total area of 53 square meters worth 75-78 thousand. Slightly better life values inventory quality shmatpakaevyya apartments are already at least 100-120 thousand dollars. This segment of the housing estate today is still very much not risen.
Furthermore, reas was cut all those who need to improve housing conditions. Some of them, knowing what to expect in the primary market has nothing, switched to the secondary and started buying cheap apartments, sharply raising the demand for them. This caused a steady rise in prices. Month, they rose to 2-4%. Then purchasing activity has led to a narrowing of the secondary housing market in the capital. life values inventory If at the beginning of the year 4153 offered the apartment, in the middle of August - about 3.5 thousand dwellings. In the first half of 6813 in the capital committed transactions with apartments, a 30 percent increase over the same period motylas.
Obviously, this summer was "washed" lots of cheap apartments and liquid. But in late August alternative client activity began to decline. Outlook for October rather ghostly
According life values inventory to our expert, and in September the secondary housing market remained difficult situation on the number of transactions, which will no longer be. Now there is a tendency, and in October, as market participants life values inventory take the position expectations. Waiting for what?
Nicholas Prostolupov sure that the main "tool" impact on the housing sector of the real estate is a psychological factor when prices reached already inadequate existing income potential buyers. Here there are alternative views of independent experts on the subject. According to them, the customers in recent years are beginning to communicate trends in the secondary market to possible changes in monetary policy in the sector of the country. I note that the currency fluctuations rather injure materially affect the price tag housing

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