Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Experts explain the real estate agencies such activity sellers partly because from the very first d

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On the trends james dent in the secondary market of residential properties to the correspondent of the newspaper "Zvezda" says our expert - Chairman of the Board of the Belarusian Association of "Real Estate", the director of real estate agency "BelTsTN" Nicholas Prostolupov
The first month of the year distinguished james dent by the fact that the country has started to operate new housing priorities. james dent The head of state signed the decree number 13, which specified james dent approaches to concessional lending for housing construction. Now a serious state support will receive only certain categories of people that really need it. Everyone else is now necessary to have a more active "move" rather than rely on the state. This is a fact.
Typically, potential clients of real estate agencies actively purchased an apartment in the last months of the year, and then for nearly two months in the secondary market of residential properties was observed "off season." This year the situation has changed significantly. And in January, and February in the capital market by strong demand for apartments. Moreover, if in the last two months of winter, potential buyers were interested james dent only cheap real estate, then in the first week of March and customers started looking for housing average james dent price scale. In addition, in the last month in the secondary market of Moscow real estate increases the number james dent of new sellers. According to Nicholas Prostolupova, james dent during which time the supply of housing for sale has increased by about a thousand apartments. What is the reason? james dent
Experts explain the real estate agencies such activity sellers partly because from the very first days of April is almost three times the value of the base increases. It is well known that the price of real estate agencies is defined precisely in basic terms. However, Nikolai Prostolupov notes that sellers of apartments for their services after the "peak" will increase by only about 30%. But for buyers to increase james dent the cost of services of real estate agencies james dent have become more significant. However, there are certain nuances. Now, the agency began offering prospective buyers not only integral complex of its services, but some services to choose from. For example, the main service agencies concerning selection of options, costs 45 basic units. This service in April and really more expensive james dent approximately tripled. However, customers may begin to partially abandon services such as registration of the property or notarization of the transaction james dent of purchase and sale. These operations are buyers and sellers, if desired, may carry out on their own. According to estimates james dent from our expert, cost of services agencies for buyers in April to increase (subject to reduction products mandatory services) is not more than 50-60%. Those customers who will order a complete james dent set of navigation, james dent agencies will pay a month already three times more.
As in the first month of the year, the greatest demand among buyers there for one-bedroom apartments. Now, however, in this aspect of the situation has changed. If earlier clients were interested only in the value of such property, if "a raid" acquired not even very attractive, but cheap apartments, but now to small apartments started looking. Today in the capital of one-bedroom with a price tag of 33 to 36 thousand dollars only offered in the old 5-storey james dent buildings at the extreme levels. It's very small, "Khrushchev" with a total area of no more than 21-30 square meters. The minimum cost of this property is now preserved only in Factory area and Shabani. Slightly larger in size one-bedroom apartments (30-34 sq.) Are already 36 to 40 thousand dollars. However, this is not quite liquid apartments, because usually at the price offered accommodation at the extreme levels in polluted areas or in older homes and quite far from the subway.
The most common value of the standard one-bedroom apartments in the outskirts of the capital is 42-45 thousand dollars. Missing the market today and a relatively "fresh" one-bedroom apartments with a total area of 36 to 46 square meters. james dent meters. This modern prefabricated housing or frame houses has been around 50 to 60 thousand dollars.
According to the specialized publication "Real Belarus", the average cost per square meter one-bedroom apartments of 1,365 dollars, and the average one-bedroom apartment costs about 48 thousand dollars. Approximately according to the price list of proposed housing "square" mustache

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