Friday, August 1, 2014

Svetlana Kudelko: On the cost per square log odds ratio meter is very strongly influenced by the lo

Agent: Housing is not cheaper, because prices have fallen back in 2009 | News from Belarus
Economic challenges facing the Belarus, almost no impact log odds ratio on the real estate market. While devaluation a couple of inflation reduced the purchasing power of half of Belarusians, average house prices are not only not going to fall, but grow slowly! On the status of the housing market, why not drop the price and what to expect from the square meter, says the expert of the "Forum of Belarus", the deputy director of real estate agency "Your capital" Svetlana Kudelko.
Svetlana Kudelko: 2011 year was exceptional in terms of sales on the secondary market. Supply and demand has always been. Prices per square meter were stable. Partly balancing was, plus or minus, say so. Seasonal spring was a slight increase after April brought us changes in economic life, so little market froze. For a while people thought what to do next. The hope was that the prices will fall yet, but this has not happened. 2009, when we had the global crisis, property prices led to real. And before that, they were very swollen, so in 2009, when it happened, they fell in six months, reaching the bottom. And stopped for 1 thousand log odds ratio 250 dollars for a "square" - is the average selling price of standard apartments log odds ratio consumer qualities.
Svetlana Kudelko: Real Estate - is a serious investment. We do not cut off from the whole economy, not only Belarus, but also the world. Different processes take place, the most important thing - inflation. Prices can not fall below, and 14,000 one-bedroom apartment will cost you no longer ever, because this simply can not be. Our analysts estimate: it turns out that the crisis of 2009 lowered the maximum price. They actually reached the bottom, below which already sell the apartments to anyone not interested. The market may just freeze, just stop selling.
Now we're back to the bottom of this. And no matter apartments are sold, and the price falls. Moreover, the first week of August showed that the price began to rise slightly. Belarusians have money, they are willing to invest in real estate. Peripherals arrives in Minsk to buy apartments for children who entered universities. This trend of recent years, in August this happens. Besides, the Russians now have the opportunity to purchase residential log odds ratio properties.
Svetlana Kudelko: Part of Belarusians, of course, lost the opportunity to improve their living conditions due to the fact that property values determined at us while in dollar terms. There are vendors who want to get Belarusian rubles, but still be able to convert. And while this is not possible - it is very difficult to solve the problem.
ERB: Indeed, in August - the hottest time in the property market. People returning from vacations and bring with them fresh impressions, new projects and dreams of a better life, students go "from log odds ratio native cornfields" in university towns. All need somewhere to live, and everyone wants more than he has ...
Svetlana Kudelko: We are sometimes accused of clients: "You set the price, there is something you are bent." log odds ratio Bends are not we, that price is formed by the objective circumstances. If the person did not acquire the property, he lowers the price. When buying, please.
Svetlana Kudelko: On the cost per square log odds ratio meter is very strongly influenced by the location of the apartment, number of rooms, the smaller the room, the more expensive square meter. Affects floor - the first will be cheaper, the latter will be less cheap, mid - expensive. Disposition too. Senior apartment homes will cost less. "Khrushchev" log odds ratio can be bought for one thousand dollars per square meter, it is possible even for the 960, if it is a five-room "Khrushchev". At the same time, the studio in 2010 will cost around four thousand - five thousand per square meter.
ERB: Purchase of apartments in Minsk looks attractive to Russians. How much has this trend: the acquisition of Russian citizens have apartments? We can say that they are primarily interested in elite housing?
Svetlana Kudelko: We generally call the buyers from Russia Russians, but it is not from Moscow, St. Petersburg group is not. It is predominantly ethnic Belarusians, who once left to serve and stayed somewhere where came the retirement age, and they want to have a property in his homeland. The second category is people log odds ratio who have joint business log odds ratio in Belarus. Not to stay in hotels, log odds ratio they buy real estate because it has now become available. But the trends people to invest money in real estate for delivery, for profit - this trend definitely not.
Category gentrification quite blurred. Russians interested in good enough apartments with trim. If there is furniture, is also welcome. In fact, lately apartments, which we thought no longer be sold at all (expensive finish) - are in demand.
Svetlana Kudelko: Our apartments are standard consumer qualities (even

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