Sunday, August 10, 2014

about 4 hours ago by Tswag 14 comments

Japan's prime minister free home value wants to host the first 'robot Olympics' in 2020 | The Verge
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Previous Story This may be the greatest invention in the history of water balloons Next Story The world's most secure OS may have a serious problem Science Japan's prime minister wants to host the first 'robot Olympics' in 2020
For as long as there have been robots , humans have wanted to thrust them into battle. free home value Now Japan's prime minister wants to take that idea to the largest free home value stage possible. Speaking to reporters last weekend at a robot factory north of Tokyo, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was reported by Jiji Press (via the Telegraph ) as saying: "In 2020 I would like to gather all of the world's free home value robots and aim to hold an Olympics where they compete in technical skill."
Tokyo is already hosting the 2020 Summer Olympics, but presumably the robot competition would be a separate event. Will it be like BattleBots or more like DARPA's Robotics Challenge , or something else entirely (this may be the only time a Real Steel reference is appropriate in a news article)? So far, Abe's idea is a mere utterance and remains firmly in the realm of science fiction. But with Switzerland planning to hold the first Olympic games for athletes with robotic prosthetics in 2016 (a so-called " cyborg Olympics "), Abe's idea may not be that difficult to pull off.
By Verge Staff
The self-proclaimed Banksy free home value of Tehran
about 4 hours ago by Tswag 14 comments
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