Thursday, February 20, 2014

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Latest News World News News healthy economic news and technical sports news News local news Knights last shot ... live broadcast of the channel Knights News articles and paper from the body .. you with the greeting Whispers on the leaves of literary essay random
Breaking News "campaign victories brothers" distributed winter clothes to the Syrian families in Jordan "cultivation Baha" begin aerial spraying for "Dibba and locusts" in the province of the room, "Paul" lie what was published in the media and emphasizes: We will not build a church in Saudi Arabia, "handicapped Rafhaa" tells the story of mockery, a security official has O my car "health": the death of Tmaninih to "Corona" in Riyadh and wounding torrid Ahsa Pictures .. "Beauty Bulk" desecrate the sanctity of the dead, "cemetery vernier" "Hilum": Mainstream house values "Health" about stopping the drug "Rizovin" where " misuse the term "transfer" students of primary house values Jazan "in the trunk of a car rickety pictures. . Diseased carcasses in slaughterhouses 4 Random Jeddah house values gas tank exploded and ignited another plant food in Jeddah
In the initiative is the first of its kind launched Association neighborhood centers in Jeddah "project instill in children the value of honesty," which is the first step of the program morals in order to contribute to building and strengthening the system of values in a modern house values diversified and attractive to the target group: children and young people. house values
He explained Professor Nabil Abdul Ilah Nassif Deputy Secretary-General of the Association of neighborhood centers in Jeddah head the committee overseeing the program morals that girl Assembly strategy with stakeholders, pointing house values out that the focus of implantation and promote the values and social responsibility is a first axis within the five strategic thrusts.
He added that the draft instill the value of honesty in children and held by the Assembly with the participation of related parties, led by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture, Media and SEDCO Holding, pointing out that this project is the first step in the system designed to cultivate and strengthen the system of values that prioritized based on a market study sponsored SEDCO targeted 180 young, and as a result of the study was to determine the values of many of the values of the five Assembly chose to be the nucleus of the first plan for the five-year program morals are as follows: truthfulness, honesty, justice, respect, and cooperation.
The Nassif that the program aims to develop a workable model for instilling and Tazizmnzawma values and their applications in modern attractive to the target groups to strengthen the role of values and ethics in the actions of man and his relationship with his Lord and his brother and his community, with the alarm on the seriousness of some wrong practices in the home and the importance of cooperation with the school in the activation of the values in our daily lives . The project is instilling the value of honesty in children first project program morals and project targets house values the age groups of 5-12 years any primary school children directly, and some other segments of relevance to them, such as parents and teachers indirectly, confirmed that the project is the grace of God found support and encouragement required house values from related parties within the Assembly and outside of our need for these programs aimed at quality.
For her part, Ms. Thoraya Adel Batterjee Her publishing house Cady and gray for publication house values and distribution of the organizers of the project instill the value of honesty in children "sensed house values the importance of this project is to re-define the concept of honesty to children, as many of them has an unequivocal in what is or is not the practices of dishonest just for being accepted in our society habitually or because of the negligence of guidance and discipline. "
She Batterjee that the idea of the project depends house values mainly on training workshop for children associated with the film moving story, "Adib become honest" so that stimulates the film narrative house values of the child at the beginning of the meeting to reflect on the reasons lie writer and the consequences of his insistence on lying time after time, and then runs the teacher dialogue with children aims than helping them to understand the motives and psychological effects to lie to the false and those around him, and extraction of the proposed solutions to the problem of dialogue with the children, and finally the mass participation in the work of paintings and theatrical performance house values reflect the concept of new children the value of honesty and discover the talents of children creative writing, painting, theatrical performance and invested in the acquisition of high moral values.
"Paul" belies what was published in the media and emphasizes: We will not build a church in Saudi Arabia
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