Sunday, February 2, 2014

SP program in this election campaign median house price is titled,

Political Metaphysics: Critique "Renaissance" | Reso
This article is not political, but aims to analyze a program median house price to a party to see what voters fed and, simultaneously, as is conscientious voter to analyze and understand such political programs.
SP program in this election campaign median house price is titled, "For an Albanian renaissance." Someone will argue that it is the right of every political median house price party in elections median house price ing participants, and establish its program title as he pleases. True! But the concept itself should present median house price something specific and applicable to Albania. The choice of title which represents what we want to achieve is misleading. median house price Renaissance (National) Albania has passed a century of little, what follows is not the same thing again. Be identical thing means to conceive of things and time as a wheel - begins sometime after 100 years and are still in the same place. As progressives - ie people who believe in development - the concept of choice is not the presenter of what Albania needs. Albania does not need sensualizma median house price but rationalism, no need for music and poems but highways, rail, sea and air links with neighboring countries convenient as well as the world. median house price It would be more accurate and fair as the program was called "Albanian Illumination" (some enlightment) - a human reflection and the work that was done, where we want to go, with the human and financial options available, and how will go there.
The program has (many) other concepts which are not reasonably clear even to those who have formulated. One can imagine what happens when people read (nëse! reads). Some are given below.
New Economic Model but not explained in the third section of the program say that the customer will be protected from market forces by "visible hand" of the state. This in itself does not constitute a new economic model. To protect manufacturers, whether protected by the "visible hand," again is not new model is old.
Is a capitalist model: dominance of private property (still unsolved problem in Albania) protected by a justice system (that in Albania remains corrupt and dysfunctional) in a market economy where prices are set according to market signals involved (signal = information, you can imagine). There are variations on this model and well known by three economists: European median house price Kontinentali median house price (he is a Scandinavian his extreme), Anglo-Saxon, and the Asian model. The first two are in crisis, and the third has several features, among others, such:
Flexicurity is given in the SP program as a model of social protection in labor relations (employer and employee). Flexicurity is a program that is applied in Denmark - (read: in Denmark) - where the labor market median house price has a tremendous Flexibility: Well, the first part of the term (Flexi) supported by a state system median house price (that curity). In all Scandinavian countries Denmark only exercise this system. Can I apply Albania protection system? Naturally! But after a century after being involved in the world economy, as Denmark did not apply this program early in the 19th century when it became median house price part of the global economy, median house price but after a century. And when in a three-parties, where business, labor and the state agree on many points. All three participants in Albania there, or better median house price say are in their genesis, if we are less optimistic.
Anyone who has dealt with projects median house price - public or business, there is no difference - understands that as such, it passes through several stages. The project median house price itself (A) analyzes the situation "as is condition," then (B) formulates "where we want to go" and, most importantly, (c) "How will we get there." A key component of point (C) is the fund - money. By will be, and how invested. A homeless may be willing to sleep in the house, or hotel, but the only options that urea can follow any sleep (or when the park is nice weather). And assessment of what has been achieved, ie, point (D) is the last instance.
Let's go back to the program "Renaissance." He has four columns and in each of them identified problems. After identification, pass on what the program offers - promises - ie, where we want to go. Promises are the most important part of any political campaign, without median house price them you can not win. After each campaign, the party comes to power, in almost all cases, has broken promises. As progressives say they do not want to win "promising everything that is not possible, is doing everything" they can (p. 10). But unfortunately, the program is just filled with promise! Ala-Albanian and metaphysics. For example, in establishing the rule of law (section 3.2 that is interested) SP seeks new legal judgment, wicked

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