Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Also today, Interior Minister has ordered the cancellation of the tender for

'Turmoil' in the traffic police, Tahiri dozen officers and dismisses abuse | Reso
'Storm' emissions in road traffic police, after the order of the Minister of Interior, Saimir Tahiri, where as a result of investigations carried out by the Directorate General of Inspection and Internal Audit Service about 80% of the Commissariat manpower resulted in violations legality enforcement duties. From the investigation resulted in serious violations of functional home worth tasks exercise and abusive acts documentation by 11 officers and 77 police officers. Besides administrative measures, home worth for four officers and one management level role to role enforcement officer referred to the Attorney materials for offenses of "abuse of office" and "passive corruption of persons exercising public functions"
Also today, Interior Minister has ordered the cancellation of the tender for "karoatreci transport service, parking, vehicle storage" and signed a contract for the implementation of this tender by the Regional Traffic Police Unit Tirana with a private home worth entity. This decision has come after a detailed review of the procedures followed for the realization home worth of his tender and put into effect. In these conditions Interior Minister has ordered the cancellation of the tender and the criminal prosecution of officials responsible for these offenses.
Violations of the tender for "karoatreci transport service, parking, vehicle storage" 1. The tender should not be held by the Traffic Commissioner Tirana, since there is adequate capacity to carry out this procedure. Tenders analogue for the same service in other regions are done by the Directorate General of Police;
European Union Ambassador in Tirana, Ettore Sequi estimates that Interior Minister Samir Tahiri expect challenges in his work. European diplomat has described as very enthusiastic reforms expected to be undertaken by the Ministry of Interior in the fight against organized crime and corruption. In a joint press conference at the conclusion of a meeting held at the Ministry of Interior, the Minister assured the Ambassador Sequi Tahiri for EU support in the implementation of reforms.
"We had an excellent meeting and we had many talks. Minister told me about a series of reforms that he wants to implementing. Are a series of reforms, which were impressive and I have to make the State Police more effective. Ministry of Interior plays a critical role in terms of a set of priorities for EU integration. Among their fight against organized crime and corruption. We also discussed another home worth issue such as cooperation and coordination of work between institutions that play an important role in the rule of law. The minister assured to support our strong and full that we want to give it to him personally and the Ministry of Interior. We discussed home worth a series of projects that we want to put into practice. Will launch the EU for assistance mission in Albania, PAMECA 4, figure set is 4 million. Will provide equipment to the Ministry of Interior and will help build the border crossing Hani Hoti and Morin. I would like to congratulate the Minister sincerely home worth luck. He has to have a lot of work. He will be assisted in his activities and his work from the EU. Minister Tahiri has a pretty big challenge ahead ", - said the Ambassador Sequi.
While Interior Minister Samir Tahiri guaranteed ambassador and the institution he leads has willfully and commitment to meeting the conditions for the country's integration into the EU, in particular the fight against corruption and organized crime.
"As long as the prerequisite appreciate this challenge against crime, terrorism and corruption, important that in our common way to have a better institutional collaboration," said Tahiri.
Also road code should be the same for all and no less rigorous for the biggest and luxurious cars and even for themselves police cars circulating in illuminating the crockery burned in offense or a red light. home worth
There are also problems then surreal as is the case of completed segments of highways. The state can not spend my money (or borrow even in my name) to construct a 2 + 2 lane road and then save the security elements whose absence limits the maximum speed of only 90 km / hour.
What should such an investment when the maximum speed is so low? Consequently in these segments will have full road code breaker. The law should therefore also be logical and in harmony with the whole, however, the law itself home worth may not be sufficient.
The structure that controls the controllers is transparency, putting the power in people with conflicting positions (ie each k

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