Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Albania recognized last month the lowest level of imports since January of 2011. According to INSTA

FullANi: Our economy has been growing, suffered slight increase prices | Journal Web
FullANi stressed that it was decided to keep the key interest rate unchanged at 4.5 percent. According to him, keeping unchanged the key interest rate is a fulfillment of medium term inflation target. house sales prices
Government but also the leaders of the Bank of Albania continue to emphasize the fact that the reduction of consumption in the country due to the deteriorating economic situation of families, but because of uncertainty about the future of their making to be more inclined to save. Here's yesterday รง'tha Governor of the Bank of Albania: "The indirect data suggest a stronger consumer performance in the second half of 2011, but the trend improvement in the fourth quarter of the year. Indirect data obtained by the performance house sales prices of the import of consumer goods, from fiscal indicators and indicators of consumer confidence, provide signals for consumer perks in this period. On the other hand, the presence of uncertainty about the future Albanian consumer continues to discourage consumption and dictate behavior towards saving ".
The fact is that if people do not spend or because they fear for the future and tend to keep some of the money for a bad period. This makes the difference and explains if the reduction of consumption in recent months related to psychological reasons or financial impossibility ..
There is neither sufficient decrease of three consecutive interest house sales prices rate by the Bank to reduce the cost of domestic government debt. Easing monetary policy, banks have responded by tightening credit conditions on one hand, but also more expensive to buy government debt on the other.
A concrete case was last auction held by BoA to take on behalf of the government about 15.3 billion through the issue of treasury bills. Of these, 11 billion house sales prices was borrowed through bonds with maturities of one year and the rest through bonds with three-month term.
For the third time, a year interest on bonds have increased, reflecting the uncertainty of the banks to take a long-term risk. So, a year bonds were bought at auction yesterday's average interest 7.32 percent, an increase of 11 percentage points compared with the auction held on 14 February. Banks bought a year bonds yesterday banks much more expensive compared to the January 31 auction of the year.
Albania recognized last month the lowest level of imports since January of 2011. According to INSTAT, the country imported about 35 billion of goods in January 2012 with a decline of 33 percent compared to December 2011 and minus 3.7 percent compared to January 2011.
The decline house sales prices in imports reflects once again the fall in consumption in Albania, the indicators appear during the last two months of last year. However, consumption in December was simulated more of the holiday season.
But this is not the most worrying indicator, as more problematic is the fact that imports declined very strong in commodities relating to the construction sector as well as to machinery. INSTAT shows that imports of iron and other construction materials has fallen from 5.6 billion in January 2011 to 3.9 billion in January 2012. Imports of machinery also declined from 6.4 billion in January 2011 to 6.2 billion in January 2012. Based on these data, it appears that the construction house sales prices sector is experiencing a deep crisis after the start of the fall of 2008, while businesses have stopped investments for capacity expansion or modernization.
Fails to understand house sales prices something house sales prices economists Albanians, with the economy house sales prices growing 2.3% in 3 months, 1 around the world in RESECION Albanian house sales prices government house sales prices declared house sales prices the economy growing in numbers, knowing that everything is in Albania unregistered informal economy house sales prices 80% inertia works for gambling,,, 2 - Since we as a country to make progress we must move everything three figures are pretend to be part of a united Europe and dite.FMN house sales prices BB embytur state that Albania is in deficit and debt, Mr. FULLHANI, you find from these figures that declare, O heeeeeeeeeeeej Berisha idiots, eagle west bissnes studying economics and know how to do better account than you ENVERON-BERISHIANE.Bolle dictatorship with the vain demagogjira Mr. Fullhani bowl lickers of Berisha
Denis, before a month here to Temaonline said that the government have decided that INSTAT depend directly from the prime minister. I thought that in Albania the figures do whatever they want. Who is your opinion. We have almost a year to keep interest rates 4.5% higher. You know Switzerland, the ECB and the Fed have interest rates about 1%. They are not stupid dance. I am of the opinion that the norm

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