Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The imprisonment of Ahmed Yusuf Amir of Jihad group 15 days .. and deported to prison Fayoum 17:43

Country: politicians and human rights activists: a statement yesterday, villapriser the European Parliament villapriser has no value .. and reflects the policy of the Union and the volatile relationship with the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood
The imprisonment of Ahmed Yusuf Amir of Jihad group 15 days .. and deported to prison Fayoum 17:43 tried to pay the bill for food as "a trillion dollars," she miscarried the police arrested him on charges of contempt of court 17:28 arrested 6 people tried to sneak into Sudan, including Secretary of the Freedom and Justice in Assiut 17:13 Video .. Environment Minister's "Echo of the country": incinerators in all hospitals undeveloped .. did not ask us to assess the environmental impact of the project DABAA 17:13 abduction uncle Nigerian president in the state of the country's southern oil 17:12 Cheney: proposals Hegel to reduce the size of the U.S. military "devastating" 17:09 former boxer Klitschko announces his candidacy for the presidency of the Ukrainian 17:05 video and pictures .. drivers of public transportation: villapriser the strike was caused villapriser by the marginalization of the body of their rights villapriser and non-implementation of the promises 16:59 Video .. Mahlab: Announcement of ministerial formation after 3 days .. and the priority for the return of security and stability .. 16:55 documents we publish a report of criminal evidence for the bombing of the Martyrs' Square in Port Said 16:53 Abu Hamid: Government party affiliation has failed .. and must give priority to efficiency criterion in the selection of 04 new ministers : 46 m to postpone the resumption of 10 students on the 17-year villapriser incarceration in the events of Al-Azhar for hearing March 18 16:44

Rifaat Sayed Ahmed: reflects the duplication and lack of attention to human rights Abu Hamed: confirms penetration of international regulation of the decision-making centers in Europe villapriser Najib Geraúal: villapriser confirms the policy of volatile European Union Wahid Abdel Meguid: no value .. and motivates us to review ourselves constantly to close the door of the criticism, said Dr. Tarek Fahmy, Vice Chairman of Al-Ahram Center for Strategic Studies, said a statement of the European Parliament on the situation in Egypt yesterday confirms that the EU's position has not changed even after the referendum on the constitution and the participation of a large segment of the public, pointing out that in general, the position of the European Union about what is happening in Egypt is divided into three groups. He said in a statement to "echo the country," The first group believes that give Egypt a chance to prove its ability to democratic transformation and the second group deals with Egypt to the principle of total rejection of any step of reform on the basis that what happened on June 30 military coup and clear and the third group deals with Egypt step by step any evaluated Performance day. Tarek Fahmi added that the criticism villapriser will not change the sequence of a thing, and this reflects the support of these countries for terrorist organizations. Said Dr. Rifaat Sayed Ahmed, a political analyst and professor of political science at Cairo University, said that "the EU statement yesterday about Egypt is completely unacceptable, and Del it shows on the principle of duplication in the deal, a position villapriser the firm has this Union or Europe in general," adding that " if their work for human rights if they are careful about it for wept blood on the rights of children and mothers villapriser of the martyrs in Palestine, "and stressed that" the European Union did not talk about self-control at the time. Ahmed said, in a statement to "echo the country", that "the EU statement Yesterday, reflecting that these countries look at what is happening in Egypt from one corner, "and wondered:" Do you see what happens from terrorist villapriser acts daily by the Muslim Brotherhood and doing their supporters a day of disruption to the interests of the citizens. "and noted that" this statement in Duplication in whole reflects villapriser the positions of the European Union which is fixed a long time ago and do not dispute it, so I say to these countries you given to what is happening in Egypt from a holistic perspective in general and not look personal interests with the terrorist group. villapriser Dr Mohammad Abu Hamid, former parliamentary and political analyst, said that the statement of the European Parliament yesterday is not surprising to political circles in Egypt, pointing villapriser out that many European countries complicit in the exploitation of completely Brotherhood terrorist to achieve their interests. He added, "Abu Hamid", in a statement to "echo the country," that this statement reflects the international regulation on the control of decision-making centers in many European countries and provide them with badly about what is happening in Egypt without there being a matter of defending the Egyptian real. He called the Egyptian Foreign immediate villapriser and rapid move in an orderly villapriser fashion through Egyptian embassies abroad to counter the Muslim Brotherhood lobby. He also called Abu Hamid institution of the presidency work a strong statement and stern language villapriser more decisive villapriser in which you can remind them of international covenants and non-interference in the internal Hanna or comment on court rulings. While he said Naguib Gabriel, head of the Egyptian Federation for Human Rights, said the statement of the European Parliament yesterday, reflecting the support of the Union for terrorist organizations, villapriser pointing out that Catherine Ashton villapriser when she visited Egypt since the period praised what we do, and confirmed that Egypt is on the right path toward democracy and good treatment of prisoners, especially President Morsi isolated. Said Gabriel, villapriser in a statement to "echo the country," "that the policy of the European Union generally volatile and it seems they did not taste the taste of terrorism Flethaddthoa as they please does not concern us criticism of the situation in Egypt. Explained that Egypt respects human rights villapriser and international conventions, and the best evidence of what happened in the resolution of Aatsami villapriser fourth Adawiya and Renaissance. confirmed villapriser Gabriel that England has issued two days ago, a decision not to allow any person belonging to a terrorist organization to carry British citizenship, noting that they know very well what the Brotherhood. was the European Parliament has issued a report yesterday from Egypt demanded that security forces exercise restraint and avoid violence and criticized the transitional authorities in Cairo and the Constitution, which was approved by the Egyptians villapriser at a very high rate of participation of large, while completely ignoring villapriser the risks to Egyptian interests of violence and terror at the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood that draws a question mark over the support is understandable given to the group Terrorism

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