Saturday, February 1, 2014

Albanian publisher Media In announcing the book publisher has also sent a preface that says:

Published in English stop Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" | Reso
In the press media book publisher sent a preface that says: "This publication home improvements that add value is intended to slip, as well as publications in the languages of other countries, the 'çmistifikojë' this book ..."
Although the Criminal Code of the Republic of Albania prohibits the publication of works that promote home improvements that add value hatred between nationalities, religions and races, in English has come finally one of the most talked about books of the twentieth century. It's "Mein Kampf," home improvements that add value Adolf Hitler, published by the house bo-habitating "Belina H", banned in some countries, particularly home improvements that add value in Germany where currently is becoming a big debate about it. For its publication home improvements that add value 'Gazette' is notified home improvements that add value electronically and the data are these: Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" (My Struggle), home improvements that add value translated Kushtrim Gjosti, no. 528 pages, ISBN 978-9928-40-71-7-7, price 1500 ALL EDITIONS "Belina H '. But can this book is published in English? When asked about this, many have been reluctant to speak, when considered as the main book that incites hatred, as the book of the Jews from extermination began. On the other hand, 'Gazette' contacted to get an opinion, director of the Ministry of Culture book, Emir Nike and Director of the National Library Professor Aurel crack. home improvements that add value Nika said he was surprised and said that the publication has not yet seen the book and could not speak specifically to. However, he added that, books that are banned internationally, that promote hatred and conflicting provisions and principles of law in Albania Albanian book, are prohibited. "Under his authority to control such actions. home improvements that add value Alternatively Aurel Plasari publication of "Mein Kampf" sees associated with freedom as it can be seen in his interview. Someone else asked if the book is needed today for our audience, at a time when we lack editions of foreign authors Albanalogy Writers on Albania, home improvements that add value today when we celebrate the 100th anniversary of Independence?
Criminal home improvements that add value Code Criminal Code of the Republic of Albania has dedicated two articles hatred between nationalities, races and religions. In both articles also defined home improvements that add value punishment provided in the case where a person violates the law. Articles are below quote: "Article 265 - Promoting hatred or strife between nationalities, home improvements that add value races and religions. Promoting hatred home improvements that add value and racial, national or religious, as well as the preparation, dissemination or diffusion of maintaining order containing writings , is sentenced to a fine or imprisonment home improvements that add value up to ten years. Article 266 - Calling for national hatred in danger of the public peace by calling for hatred against parts of the population, insulting or defaming them, by requiring the use of violence or arbitrary actions against them, punishable by fine or imprisonment up to five years. "
Albanian publisher Media In announcing the book publisher has also sent a preface that says: "This publication is intended to slip, as well as publications in the languages of other countries, the 'çmistifikojë' this book. Publishers home improvements that add value join at a point when comes to the book 'Mein Kampf', this book has a dark force, but rather it comes from the fact that no one has read. Myth of the book is added only by the aura of the forbidden thing that has rolled " . According to him, in a way, such a book does not deserve the attention so much noise, and a way to remove his public disclosure. Simultaneously different publishers think readers today is as mature as cultured ei has the ability to judge this book. Since the end of World War II, the book has been taboo in Germany and is forbidden to be printed and distributed. The editor adds: After World War II, several countries have published the book reprinted as the United States, France, India, UK, Sweden, Turkey, Canada, Australia, Italy, Netherlands, Japan, some American countries Latin, Arab world countries, the Balkans, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia (at least three reprints after 1992's, home improvements that add value while the Soviet Union was published a variant selected and cut). In some of these countries is obligatory accompaniment book with explanatory preface while others allowed the publication and distribution, but not its use for political and propaganda purposes. "In the same preface, the editor home improvements that add value (which could not be contacted, Although we asked a contact number if the e-mail) says that the restriction of the book considering it as hostile slogans and propaganda tool for inciting people to stay there. According to him, the prohibition sought home improvements that add value to prevent misuse and political influence on readers, an argument that many see as meaningless, given reports of long strengthened democratic. Actually the book is partially complete and online.
39 Family of Adolf Hitler were tested and conclusion

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