Monday, February 3, 2014

I invite you to follow the conversation with the offspring of prominent price appreciation intellec

Conversation with the nephew of former Mayor of Tirana, Ali Begeja, Rep. z.Maksim Begeja | Press Pristina - Pristina - New York - London
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After liberation former mayor of Tirana for the year 1922-1923, Begeja Ali continued his profession as a lawyer until 1947, when he was arrested with a group of deputies from the Communist price appreciation regime. Investigation in Tirana cells underwent inhuman tortures until he died.
I invite you to follow the conversation with the offspring of prominent price appreciation intellectual family Begeja Tirana, which in recent years has given democracy a valuable contribution in Albanian politics, was elected Member of Parliament and works with dedication to the national cause.
I was born into a family in Tirana indigenous, tradition, especially in the field of education of its members. I grew up and was edukova in this family of intellectuals with a baggage of knowledge, with a temperament demanding cloud.
Of course this would affect my formation. Since preschool age, so when I was 4 years old, the family sent me to college nuns in Tirana, until the age of 6 years old when I entered the first year of primary school. Stayed there from morning until late afternoon. Despite its religious orientation Catholic, it threw the basis of a sustainable breeding and social education. price appreciation Even at that age I started to learn to write and do arithmetic operations, but the important thing was that upbringing price appreciation mernim there. When lunch up when the bedroom, the bed should rregullonim itself. If the sheet or batania had wrinkles or was not well regulated, came courtesy Madre nuns and make remarks to customize as needed, or when should we ate lunch plates, spoons and forks, the latter use was mandatory, you send in place of swimming. The same thing was also with your toys may not have received a toy madres without permission. After luajshe with, had to come to the place where the church received.
Education and learning take in college, did that when I started primary price appreciation school until the end of the 7-year-old (primary 7 class was then) I was among the most notable of the class. My grades were only singles, which was the highest score.
Great impact on my education has played a library that had at home. Salon greater than 10 meters in length, price appreciation in his walls had shelves of books, encyclopedias from Italian to French scientific price appreciation books, price appreciation law, novels, children's books etc.. in several languages. In his division was the piano, which we seized the communist regime in 1945, along with furniture and almost all books. In this library price appreciation I spent several hours a day in the company of uncles browsing and reading books that were there.
In 1952 the family sent to technical school, former Polytechnic 7 November. The father sought to take a profession after high school was convinced that it would be very difficult for me given the right to study in high school. At school I was always under the control of her father and mother, who every week follow my results and that when going to take a low grade, was discussed in the family.
Polytechnic and finished in 1956 with the average 4.75 (at the time highest score was 5). Not given the right to continue at least high school in the country, while my friends with the average 3 to 3.5 continued to study abroad. PĂ«rkundazi appointed on technical education in mechanical Municipal Enterprise of Durres. I had that young man saw over 18, no experience in life, in working away from home! All this only because of the biography.
It was energetic intervention and the degree of knowledge of my father, the late Salman, who gave me the opportunity to continue the former Polytechnic Institute, which was later incorporated into the University of Tirana.
With the completion of a degree in Mechanical Engineering, was nominated in Bishop, price appreciation where I worked for 12 years in the car and tractor station, initially as kryeinxhinjer and in the past five years as director price appreciation of this enterprise. I not ashamed to say that when I came to be, was under the control and influence of parents price appreciation and our family, in order to engaged a job and give maximum opportunity to work with honesty and devotion. This period

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