Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Compared to the previous old works, Bellini in the

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Obviously this opera was born with the then dean of Rossini's opera is inextricably influence, first Bellini and Rossini personal friendship Duhou, and playwright Pei Boli is introduced to introductions by Rossini Berry Nigeria and cooperate with each other to complete the opera. Bellini, Rossini affected by the older he was nine years old, their relationship mentor. Bellini, Rossini learned from the essence of bel canto style, including trust, encouragement, and respect the artist, focusing on singing and lyrical; beautiful vocal melodies will ease as the core of the art of opera, when necessary, to increase house net prices the expression of the phrase and appealing for the singer house net prices to play skills to provide adequate space to achieve, "people cry, make people tremble, it is deadly" house net prices realm. Of course, the Rossini opera also contains a large section of superb virtuoso coloratura, although it bel canto style "simplicity above all" credo very different, but also for Bellini absorbed, house net prices thus becoming his personal style Another major feature.
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The story takes place in a castle in the English Civil War in the vicinity of Plymouth, at a time before and after 1650, the rate of Protestants armed by the Cromwell orders (which mostly Puritans) are being surrounded with the Stuarts mutual confrontation . As Puritan Lord Walton Castle originally wanted his daughter house net prices Elvira is betrothed to Puritan Forth with jazz, but Elvira was admired in Talbot handsome knight, castle finally agreed two main marriage, but I do not know what the secret supporters Talbot Stuarts. Talbot found Charles's widow, French Catholic Henrietta was imprisoned in the castle, knights loyal so he decided to save her secret sincere, guessed his every move has attracted still in love with El Vera Forth jazz suspicion. . . . . .
Compared to the previous old works, Bellini in the "Puritan" in the drama reflects the unprecedented focus on the structure and integrity of the music: despite the play in the narrative with a gorgeous house net prices lay out a bold grand scene, propelling the plot but did not seem cumbersome procrastination; house net prices uplifting chorus part of the march involved in the whole musical structure also appears to be natural. Meanwhile Bellini will recitative, aria reconcile house net prices Syria chant together cleverly, as Talbot in the first act by the gentle lyrical solo song, "To my beloved house net prices man" to his bride greeting When, as part of the overlay, singing more gentle and full of desire, and finally evolved into the beautiful and unforgettable quartet.
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Vincenzo Salvatore Carmelo Francesco house net prices Bellini (Italian: Vincenzo Salvatore house net prices Carmelo Francesco Bellini, 1801 年 11 月 3 日 -1835 on September 23, 2009) was born in Sicily, Italy, 3-year-old began studying music at age 18 into the Naples Conservatory. Bellini was not as enthusiastic about the creation of the opera as its harmonic contemporaries, with only one opera comedy is his first stage work, "A generation of Mickelson and Saar Wiener" (1825 ), which contains a concert with the Naples dialect comedy bass. Overall, in the works of Bellini revealed is a romantic type of depression. His early operas were considered inadequate in terms of orchestral orchestration, "Norma" After this disadvantage can be overcome. Bellini's work has two main characteristics: one is wonderful melody; second is difficult bel canto aria, the perfect fusion of both opera is his charm. Many of his opera arias, is still regarded as a "bel canto" classic textbook.
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