Tuesday, April 21, 2015

This favorable outlook is still vulnerable, value house weymouth says Hukker. It has indeed come to

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The "crisis quarters" are definitely over, according value house weymouth to the NVM. This morning the brokers association presented the quarterly figures of the last quarter of last year. And those were good enough for NVM chairman Ger Hukker to conclude: housing prices will not fall.
Sellers got home in the last three months of the year on average 215,000 euros for their home. That is 3.5 percent higher than last year and 1.3 percent more than in the summer months. And brokers sold more than 30 percent more homes than the same quarter a year earlier - in total 34 622. In the overall market sold an estimated 46,500 homes. value house weymouth
Hukker forecasts for the coming year an average price increase between 2.5 and 3 percent. But as before the crisis is no more, he thinks. So it is unlikely that the hundreds of thousands of people who have a house 'under water' have standing, so whose house value is less than their mortgage debt, can count on a debt-free in the future. Indeed they will be able to sell their house easier. Because the number of home sales continue value house weymouth to rise over the next year, according to the NVM, with 5 to 10 percent.
This favorable outlook is still vulnerable, value house weymouth says Hukker. It has indeed come to an end incentives that helped the housing value house weymouth market back on track. No more tax-ton can be given to children who want to acquire or redeem a house. The money pot with buyer loans is low and is not replenished by the State. And the limit for borrowing with National Mortgage Guarantee, this summer further reduced by 20,000 euros to 245,000 euros. The effects to be seen. Especially increases in Randstad
Furthermore, the differences in the housing market in the Netherlands are considerable. In metropolitan areas, value house weymouth houses are sometimes sold for amounts above the asking price. Of the ten neighborhoods with the "most dynamic housing market" - where houses are sold quickly - there are according to the NVM eight in Amsterdam. But in the non-urban areas areas recovery still waiting on. In the northeast of Groningen, for example, in England and the eastern part of North Brabant.
Not all the figures presented this morning the NVM are favorable. The selling time a home is the last quarter value house weymouth ie increased value house weymouth slightly compared to the previous months. It now takes an average of 124 days to get sold a house. The brokers do have an explanation for this: it would be because the homes for sale for a long time, the last quarter were selling better than the previous quarters. And because that 'old' offer represents a larger proportion of homes sold, sales soar times.
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