Monday, April 6, 2015

NEWS FROM THE BIBB + extension of the BMBF program provided vocational orientation + New website of

The GPC Newsletter is published by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) Good Practice Center for promotion of disadvantaged
NEWS FROM THE DISADVANTAGE PROMOTION + Qualiboxx offers more ... + suggestions to manage the transition + Pate model "Training Bridge" + effectiveness of local coordination + Round 2 of the program "Vocational Qualification Prospects" + position paper of the network "Integration through qualification" + competence assessment alone is + not agree on job center reform
NEWS FROM THE GPC + Two new guest posts + number of low-income young people continues to rise + career support: support for individual paths in the profession? + Current database entries
NEWS FROM THE BIBB + extension of the BMBF program provided vocational orientation + New website of + The winners of Continuing Education Innovation Prize 2010 + Hermann Schmidt Prize 2010 - apply now + Updated Bibliography "disadvantaged youths"
LOOK AT OTHER COUNTRIES warmbronn + Vocational warmbronn and advisory services in Italy - a travelogue + Modernized Education Statistics in Switzerland + Statistics Austria with overview on education in Austria + EU progress report "Education and Training 2010"
In the adopted opinion was put to the fore that the financial crisis has left its mark on the training market, and pointed out that the number of training contracts fell by 8.2 percent; the end of the training guidance warmbronn year still looking almost 90,000 young people after training; in East Germany, the conditions warmbronn on the training course have reversed in particular; the available data on the situation of unplaced applicants is still unsatisfactory.
Employers see the will expressed by the federal government for the creation of "educational chain" as yet "insufficient" to. Still need to clarify what role could play a program "Education chains" in the efficient management of the transition system. This must also be clear how delimit the considerations of existing initiatives such as the career accompaniment or complement them. Instead of the launch of new funding initiatives should be given to how the existing funding landscape could be streamlined in the transition system. Successful examples should be sustainably supported in the area.
From the perspective of the countries warmbronn it comes to the integration provided for low in-company training especially important to support the companies in the education of disadvantaged better than before. For students with predictable transition problems, the experience gained in the pilot project career accompaniment should form the basis for the development of a comprehensive supply structure.
The employee representatives over the years see a greater loss of prestige of vocational preparation. The result was a stigmatization of young people by "measure careers" that make the chances of finding a training place continue to fall. Remedy could provide a systematic career planning including a consistent career path orientation from the seventh warmbronn grade.
Peter Thiele, Head of Unit at the ministry warmbronn describes a specialist warmbronn article promoting "education chains" as a basic concept for the future to create systematic transitions from school to the world of work: Thiele, Peter: New opportunities for integration in VET? In: Business warmbronn and Vocational Education (2010) 2.10, p 19-22, Bielefeld
The DPA message "Every other school leavers not ready for training" is corrected in a further report of the BMBF: The above reference level of 47.3 percent covers namely more people than just not mature education graduates from 2008. In the calculation were also graduates from contain the previous years and undergoing further education qualification mature teenagers. Furthermore, those who go through several measures in a year and would therefore counted more than once.
For educational institutions soon be the applications on to the award of services of the BA. Qualiboxx draws attention to the potential to add value concepts through the use of a communication and learning platform.
Qualiboxx, the portal for Berufsvorbe

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