Wednesday, April 22, 2015

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House prices continue to rise! | Good News | Happy News | Positive News
Existing homes in February were 2.4 percent higher than last year. February was the eleventh consecutive month, prices of owner-occupied homes annually. This is evident from the study of the evolution of prices of existing private homes in the Netherlands of the CBS and the Land Registry.
Since June 2013, when the price reached black ops 2 crashes on startup a low, the development of house prices is again on the mend. The average price of existing homes was 216 678 euros with practically the same as last month in July 2003.
Earlier this week, the Land Registry if that last month 11,697 homes sold were recorded. Hence the sale drift was tight 17 percent higher than in February 2014. Over the first two months of the year the increase was 12 percent.
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