Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Now the money, capital and equity markets seem to stabilize somewhat, and a decline canada real est

Now the money, capital and equity markets seem to stabilize somewhat, and a decline canada real estate bubble has become inevitable economic growth - shrink next year? Who knows, it may say! - Some people look with suspicion to the Dutch housing market. Keep it up if he does not like it?
There are signs that the housing market is cooling down. The number of homes sold shrinks slightly; according to a recent canada real estate bubble report in the Volkskrant decreases more than the usual number of sellers are asking; estate agencies is quiet. It would be strange if it were otherwise. But the ultimate question in the housing market is: what happens to prices? And at that point it is important to keep the good numbers in the holes. Because the Dutch journalism is thus quite sloppy - we take the wrong number and often draws incorrect conclusions - I refer to the correct source, the 'price index of existing houses' of the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) and the Land Registry (www. cbs.nl). Much of what we read in the newspapers and on television about the housing market is based on figures from the Dutch Association of Estate canada real estate bubble Agents (NVM). The brokers tally tidy the homes sold (from apartments to detached house) and related sales. That they count on (and then they have the total market volume at a time) and calculate the average (and then they have the average transaction price). The average transaction price in the news. In the first graph shows that in recent canada real estate bubble years has increased by fine of 210,000 euros in the third quarter of 2003 to 251,000 canada real estate bubble euros in the second quarter of this year. In the third quarter of 2008 decreased the average transaction price to 248,000 euros, and thus the newspaper headlines' House prices down. " That would have resulted in many a living room to restless shuffling. canada real estate bubble What is wrong with this view? The average transaction price is not the same as the average house. I give as an extreme example, taken from the notes of the CBS and the Land Registry in their price index. canada real estate bubble Suppose that in any quarter alone Amsterdam canal houses are sold for a million euros a piece. Suppose that in any second quarter alone single-family homes sold for two tons of the piece. Is from one to another quarter house prices fell by eighty canada real estate bubble percent? No, says our common sense. Yes, the newspaper let us know. No, says the price index for this reason much more sense. Unlike the 'raw' NVM numbers corrects the price index for the quality of the sold houses. That is based on the so-called property canada real estate bubble tax value of houses; WOZ stands for Act property tax, and an appraisal. The canal houses from the example will have a much higher canada real estate bubble property value than single-family homes. If a price drop in the price index method would roll in this example, which is in any case much more modest (and more realistic) than suggest the raw NVM numbers. This price index now late for the Dutch market in the third quarter to see no decline. Prices increased in September canada real estate bubble by 2.5 percent compared to September 2007. This increase is declining for the past few years has fluctuated between 3.5 and 4.5 percent. If you really pay attention, you think: Hey Frank, canada real estate bubble you now compares with another period. NVM involved a decline in the third compared to the second quarter of 2008 (minus three thousand euros) and the price index you compare with last year (plus 2.5 percent). That's right. Check with news about the housing market in the coming period is three things: the indicator; the change from month to month or quarter to quarter (short movement, which is often contaminated by seasonal factors); the change from the same period a year earlier (the longer movement without seasonal influences). I'm not saying that life is easier when you are going in the right facts distinguish the bad, though, that you can keep a better eye on what is happening on the Dutch housing market.
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