Saturday, April 25, 2015

The NVM reports that own homes more affordable has become a positive sign for recovery. 2012 were 8

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Estimated by the Dutch Association of Estate property prices scotland Agents (NVM) in the last three months in the Netherlands nearly 28,000 homes were sold. Although this is 20 percent more than in the very poor first quarter, 8 percent less than a year ago. The housing prices are 5 percent lower than the same period in 2012.
The price of the average home is now 205,000 euros. The fall in prices of homes was the previous quarter "only" 0.3 percent, the report NVM. Measured over the past six months, the price drop was 1.8 percent. This is less than last year, when the price drop in the first half was 3.1 percent. Hukker:
"In the meantime, this is the third consecutive quarter in which the price decline on an annual basis is less than the previous quarter. The withdrawal of the housing market always seems to come more into view. That bodes well for homeowners that they own the past period have yet to see substantial decline in value. Since the beginning of the crisis, prices have fallen property prices scotland by 17.7%, without taking into account inflation "NVM:. Second worst quarter since the beginning of crisis
"In absolute numbers, this is certainly property prices scotland the worst second quarter since the outbreak of the crisis, but we are nevertheless voted cautiously optimistic. We see that the number of sales attracts quite a while supply new housing decreases in the market. Also smoothed the decline in prices decreases with time. We are not there yet, but it indicates that the market is slowly coming into balance. " property prices scotland
The NVM reports that own homes more affordable has become a positive sign for recovery. 2012 were 8.4 percent more homes sold than in the second quarter of 2013. This is according to the estate because of the much lower interest rates, the sharp fall in house prices and the reduced transfer tax. Read more about: housing prices Dutch Association of Estate Agents housing property prices scotland
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