Sunday, April 5, 2015

In the morning, we start the tour with a wild and romantic journey. From our accommodation in Monte

Gino D'Ignazi, the owner of the small trattoria "Corso", close to the center of Ascoli Piceno might like to be good and also a waiter in a long-established japanese recession coffee house in Vienna. Restrained, slightly gran telnd and still takes good care of his guests, always agile and fast, he served his guests. For each answer to our questions, we somehow have the feeling that we should know but really. But we do not and ask merrily. He and his simple restaurant exude a rough charm. The "Corso" is THE point of contact in the southern part of the Italian province of Le Marche, when it comes to simple yet excellent fish dishes. In Italy is struggling, off the coast to find a good and at the same time affordable seafood. The principle of regionalism without compromise - Everywhere I was so far in Italy, the unwritten rule - on the coast fish, inland meat. The "Corso" in Ascoli is a welcome exception. There, for many years exclusively marine animals are served and at fair prices.
In the morning, we start the tour with a wild and romantic journey. From our accommodation in Montegiorgio, in the province of Fermo, we drive a little traffic japanese recession pass through the marchianische province of Ascoli Piceno and its eponymous capital. There would be shorter distances, but without such beautiful views of the Sibillini mountains. Ascoli Piceno - the city has about 50,000 inhabitants - is embedded in a plane, to the province of Abruzzo, there are only a few kilometers. To the sea journey takes around half an hour. Every Wednesday is market day - in the streets in the center, there is of clothes to shoes and trinkets to buy everything. We stroll leisurely through the first streets and let the loud buzz and happy people affect us. The center is small and in a few minutes we are already in the Piazza del Popolo, the People's Square, arrived. He presents himself less than the Piazza San Marco in Venice but relaxed many times. Without japanese recession armadas of greedy pigeons, legions of foreign tourists and pushy hawkers, can be the place - which is rightly japanese recession considered one of the most beautiful in Europe - soak up. We settle in one of the cafes cozy, sipping an espresso and marvel at the majestic building that watch over the square, the city and the people - for example the Palazzo dei Capitani del Popolo from the 13th century and the Gothic church of San Francesco, which is located in a niche an image of the Holy San Giuseppe da Cupertino. That saints who likes inexplicably took off from the ground, so today is the patron saint of aviators and the eponymous town in California gave its name.
In the cloister of the church of San Francesco, the local market is held. Small and manageable it is. The farmers in the area offer cheap rate, what the field will bear. Tomatoes from green to red, potatoes, Catalogna, eggplant and more. Scores in the conventional sense, there is none. The boxes are loaded directly from the car on the piazza and the customers to choose from. It has the small square has only one "correct" state. He is an organic farmer of homemade salami and other sausages and cheeses in the program. It calls us nice and a bit shy to try on - from Pecorino, truffle cheese and salami migrates each piece in our backpack. Dinner is secured. The people are friendly and welcoming and happy about our interest and we want to photograph them and their goods. It is noticeable that the number of tourists in Ascoli Piceno - within limits - and in this small market anyway.
Strolling, take a look, amazement japanese recession and strangers in it makes you hungry. During our stay in the brands we go even once the sea. Therefore we use to this day, the opportunity in the only trattoria of the city, the fish has on offer to eat just that. 9 tables are in the "Corso", a very simple Szécsényi restaurant. At noon all occupied after a short time. We order on abundant and are thrilled. As antipasti Alici marinato, beans with sepia, Gamberetti, langoustine and mussels are served. Then follow spaghetti vongole, spaghetti negro sepia and to top it off a Guazzetto di pesce - the typical stew in the pan, cooked in the "Corso" with five tasty fish: Razza (rays), japanese recession Palombo (dogfish), brine (sole) Sepia (cuttlefish) and Mazzolina (gurnard). Anything japanese recession with top ingredients, a simple kitchen and probably because of it so full of flavor.
When we again come to light after lunch, the market is already finished and the shops are closed. It

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