Friday, May 30, 2014

Vice President of the Foreign Affairs, Aldo, called the irresponsible attitude of the government, w

Hoxha debates photos / Dade: Enver was commander of the War | Journal Web
Vice President of the Foreign Affairs, Aldo, called the irresponsible attitude of the government, which he attempts to restore the worship of the image of the dictator, forcing officials to bow before the portrait of Enver Hoxha.
"Recent events that photographs Albania dictator who caused it not caused any invader, senior officials and ministers who bow before the dictator ...", began his speech Bumci, as he continued on to say that: "Enver Hoxha is our Hitler, our Hitler to restore the worship and after 24 years, is unprecedented."
"Europe and the civilized values, can not override values exceptional World War II, fascist, as well as the struggle of the Albanian people, historical house prices Fascist National Liberation, which is the bedrock values of our historical heritage. As regards i'u certain figures, in certain periods of our history, have been positive or at other periods are transformed and become negative, we must leave you the historians, we should educate generations with love and respect for the land and conspicuous patriotism. And this was in the context of celebrations or memorials May 5, "said Dade.
Enver Hoxha is the greatest misfortune of Albanian history .. how 'wrestled' and how he 'fought' know very well, is Miladin Popovic what role we play together with Enver LANC? if teens do not know the history better positioned than not to talk nonsense, I think that the miserable condition in which Albania is still is as a result of government that 'survivors' of Enver ... salinjte, Edvina, fatoserat, imams, etc. note etc. are continuity of Enver Hoxha because otherwise there is no explanation that Ilir Hoxha comes with disclaimers that said 'merits' of Enver Hoxha large ... is a pity that Albania continues to be occupied by Enverist and their children ... I hope that Albania has hopes only to the younger generation that is growing in Europe and has a completely different mentality from that of the 'pioneers of Enver' ....
kopuku ... My family and I have removed the black point of the dictatorship of Enver and are kicked from the house were detained together with uncles grandfather as too many Albanians imprisoned without fair ... so do not want to take my personal historical house prices this issue of persecution because of Enver sh knows well that all persecuted Albanian people (but a part of the press as a ruthless dictator .. in this grouping enters persekutuarish my family ...) Well 'kopuku' need to come to my position and see how I can speak to ... Illyrian Enver Hoxha has not moral right to appear before the media and tell us who was Albanian Enver Hoxha because we knew him better by themselves iliri ruthless dictator ... iliri poooo can mburri father of His indoors or through family and let's say you wanted CTE but not before the media because it is a hypocrisy that goes beyond any imagination, 'kopuku' if you're simple people like me how to ethically we must keep the people simple because we as a family have given more rifle as a reward Enver homeland and imprisoned us and exile us, my grandfather has today downtown bust once again higher than might be you so long his suffering people he knew and appreciated him now in the era of democracy ... even for me to understand more secure to democracy but that I had cfaj Enver not allowed to continue with high school? person in life has a chance to be educated and we Enver denied as family understands .. I believe you and your family if you hook something or they have been less privileged by Enver then change things but to respect you as ordinary people do not feel the need to tell us how how it works democracy ... I am convinced that all these years in Albania qeverrisi sons of former Enverist Saliu's starting to Rama differently if I had true democracy in Albania Ilir Hoxha and Length imam should be hung or shot as Ceausescu equally between Tirana where even dragged bust of Enver Hoxha ... ('m proud that I was among the crowd when she withdrew dragged bust of the dictator ...)
Jacques O! Enver Hoxha's contribution in the struggle for national liberation day by day today is questionable. After the war did more for this country as for education, health, social stratification, etc.., As they did for their countries Hitler, Mussolini. Then these three practiced genocide against their citizens, to became unacceptable in their countries. In a democratic world, everyone has the right to demonstrate their portraits, not enough to encourage

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