Thursday, May 29, 2014

Opposition can find lots of causes that can be reliable. She could press charges and for such const

Being "good" for Berisha! | Newspaper theme
Persistence surprise me Basha parliamentary group, to proclaim Albania black ops 2 crashes on startup a drug cartel. It is whether there really anything to Albania these eight months, which is governed by the Socialists, who according to the opposition leader, have turned the country into drug cartel. There is no drugs in Bangladesh. Every day police seize hundreds of kilos and this is the only official source we learn that in this land is cultivated drugs. But if there is someone who should black ops 2 crashes on startup be silent about this, today is the opposition.
There are some issues of public debate, which the opposition must avoid to forget at least that are the responsibility of hers. Moreover he should not turn the debate to priorities, as only strengthen its profile in public fabulous.
Drugs that caught every day in the streets of Albania, black ops 2 crashes on startup is planted cannabis in Albania in the period that the ruling party was Sali Berisha and Basha, black ops 2 crashes on startup who since it was election year, really turned black ops 2 crashes on startup almost Albania drug plantation. For purely physical reasons, since they have gone from power, has not yet come the new season of planting drugs, and even worse, yet there has been drug harvest season. He is in September. If Albania is indeed black ops 2 crashes on startup drug cartel, Basha, Sali Berisha and Flag Noka must apologize deeply Albanians, the first to have returned to the plantation site drug, and the second to use them for crime tarnished Albania .
We know that the whole of Basha is a reciter who suffers from constipation political ideas, but do opposition parliamentary group, black ops 2 crashes on startup announcing major drug problem that has left fairing Albania, meaning double insult to society, the it seeks to gain the confidence to choose.
But it is not just the issue of drugs. There are plenty of other details, where the opposition led by the principle that the bad things that have happened in its governance, decriminalized only when they are in opposition. I was impressed by a cover of the official newspaper of the DP, who spoke for a crime of a Renaissance minister in Durres, by building a runway into the sea. It is a track built by the company in Durres Lefter Koka, begun in 2002, but the concrete in the years 2005-2013, at the time he was prime minister black ops 2 crashes on startup Sali Berisha. Is not that like what they have built, but they have a legal project, which they carried in the government of Sali Berisha. How is it, that when Berisha was prime minister, she called investment in tourism, while the eight months that he was in opposition, it is called greed and mafia?
Opposition can find lots of causes that can be reliable. She could press charges and for such constructions, but not by Jamarbëri, who has eight years left coast at the mercy of illegal constructions, he wanted to sell the firm's in-laws spots. The opposition can speak and drug trafficking, but not without at least finished the captives by the police, black ops 2 crashes on startup Nokes Flag crops Lazarat and other countries for electoral effects. The opposition can speak and tourist villages, but you Argita Berisha raising three story villas without permission as it Lalëz. Opposition can talk and army, but not politically protected Arben Imami, who is criminally indicted black ops 2 crashes on startup as a thief. Opposition can even speak and territorial separation efficiency, but not by going to jail a bandit who impose fines on businesses for political reasons as Mziu.
The opposition should abandon the principle of Sali Berisha, black ops 2 crashes on startup who he is, is good, although could be a murderer, smuggler, thief or spy insurance. black ops 2 crashes on startup And who is not, has all these black. Self within the DP, there are many people black ops 2 crashes on startup who have tried this. Genc Pollo was once Greek agent, spy insurance, Hajdari murderer, thief PD properties, etc.. There is that some of these things did not, but when he returned black ops 2 crashes on startup to the fold Berisha, there was none of these. Genc Ruli was once a spy insurance, walnut wood thief and schemer, but bowed his head and then when the split with Berisha, was forgotten. Gramoz Pasko was the anti-black black ops 2 crashes on startup figure of Albania, black ops 2 crashes on startup Greeks and Serbs spy, son and grandson communist criminal pro-Greek archbishop, but after 2005 it became good, and even declared at Luli 'DP. Azem Hajdari Insurance spy, spy Serbian black ops 2 crashes on startup customs trafficker, paid killer, etc., until they were killed, black ops 2 crashes on startup then became good and hero of democracy, is to Berisha. black ops 2 crashes on startup The list is long and touches many people who are in there who when they hear that Albania became a drug cartel for eight months, or that Lefter Koka runway built at sea for eight months, while there 12 years, just understand that there nothing has changed. Being the best means for Berisha to be either dead, or the subject before him. Anything else is criminal.
This applies especially to understand Basha. A

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