Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Fists in parliament, houses sold in my street the opposition abandoned commissions, With ...

Fists in parliament, houses sold in my street the opposition abandoned commissions, With ...
Parliament of Kosovo, Krasniqi, who is entered in severe controversy with the leader of AKR, both Vice / Prime Minister of Kosovo, Pacolli, has not stopped. Through his profile on "Facebook", Krasniqi said he is willing to sell his house Behgjet Pacolli, who earlier said he is willing to buy for 1 million euros. Krasniqi said that if Pacolli gives money for 10 days he will leave the house and 600 thousand euros will give it to the poor, as promised.
"Victory of the Prime Minister, even though houses sold in my street the price of one million has been designated houses sold in my street for the head of government, that you are richer than he, at least on paper. Once word am. I also sell them with njajtin çmim.E you confirm once again that the 600,000 euros will help 20 poor families from 30,000 euros. Pour 10 days after you money in my account I left the house, but even as we agree, there is no problem from my side, "wrote Facebook Krasniqi.
President of AKR, Behgjet Pacolli, has asked the speaker to vacate Krasniqi, who has put on sale in the amount of 1 million euros, because he would buy and make nursery.
"Come let Krasniqi, that here the ambush pack. If I go bash as moqme our chambers, probably not come dumps ... You know that there is a fundamental difference between me and you. I talk about my wealth, houses sold in my street my sweat and consequently my family while you sweat citizens to Kosovës.Edhe know how they are doing ... not to extend me too. Even though I sweat money my respect, but I answer your bid. As have you casting house on sale, I buy it immediately, with 1 million of those somewhat rectory, and when you tell me already houses sold in my street collects the most Release plaqkat house because it will give the community for kindergarten children. But, you keep 600 thousand euros keyword and yang dominates among them because they really houses sold in my street are before them. You and your soul knows this best. "
Parliament Speaker Krasniqi was no reply to the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo charges, Pacolli. This latest in a telecast called rogue President of the Assembly, the psychopath malice. Krasniqi, houses sold in my street Prime Minister Hashim Thaci advised to not give him a lot of vodka Deputy Behgjet Pacolli, has even asked that Milosevic was not vodka Moscow conveyed through Dacic for Victory, as he calls Krasniqi.
"Many, many baci drink vodka somewhat Prime Minister? Prime minister, not to give too Baci Votkës your dose, the former first Deputy President of votes made liberators?! Or was it vodka Milosevic houses sold in my street to Moscow for Victory conveyed through houses sold in my street Dacic? You have been in my house Prime, baci was not, but if you believe it is worth a few million, I say I have the opportunity to earn more before. Come take my house 1 million to several million bacës sale. But I of a couple million to 1 600 000 will give the homeless houses sold in my street without houses sold in my street hesitation to Kosovës.Sipas what you estimated you, except that you get to pangishmit the Government, is to win the case would I fakir and no. If you do not want to won more money that you do not believe, houses sold in my street then you have deliberately misled the public. You stop scams pangishmit Government houses sold in my street that gas became o World of woe! If the fault is Initiative that will leave n'gojë fingers. On the other issue, you showed your evil spirit, just as you are, psychopaths, liars rogue ordinary. Fortune did not aske man, nor you. Woe to the country that you ride in the neck! "
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