Sunday, May 4, 2014

Blog readers who contacted me, showed me suggestions for purchase of U.S. homes by Israeli companie

A little over a year, I wrote a blog about buying a private home independently USA. During the last year I received hundreds (!) Comments, questions and requests from readers. Answered all respondents and asking, with some even met, some have helped and advised in the acquisition process and some even downloaded idea . during the past year were changes in U.S. real estate market, and the starting point of her blog was written in July 2012, little has changed. It is important to note that this blog is written not for marketing purposes, but in order to help investors confused and inexperienced U.S. real estate japan ministry of finance market, due to the tremendous interest among Israelis to invest in the United States.
Blog readers who contacted me, showed me suggestions for purchase of U.S. homes by Israeli companies. All offers talk on properties ranging from 50-150 thousand dollars, japan ministry of finance and return either "assured" or not, of 8-12 percent on investment, On the face of "wet dream" of every Israeli a savings of several hundred thousands of dollars, but in practice these investment proposals probably will end in disappointment and the huge loss I decided japan ministry of finance to share with the readers the number of transactions has been exposed, ended or were endless tremendous loss to the investor. A year ago, I flew to the U.S. "In. As a (very long) passport control, were Lady pair of brothers in their late 60. They are not getting japan ministry of finance along inspection process passports, customs, and orientation connecting flight at the airport, and looked japan ministry of finance lost, so I offered to help. Their connecting flight was to Detroit, and I was interested in what they have to look for Detroit ... "We have invested in properties there and came to see them." It turns out that a couple brothers bought three houses at the 49-47 thousand dollars. japan ministry of finance "It's a bargain," "Almost at Cost" are mentioned, the company marketed them in the country wanted more than 60 thousand dollars for each house. They were promised a return of $ 1000 per month for the first year, less expenses and taxes that apply to the owner, roughly about $ 700 net house. This is not good ... it's amazing!! This reflects a yield of 17%!!! They also took "responsibility" for the renovation, and the breakdown or malfunction will be at the expense of the management company. Once they realized that I invest in U.S. homes, they asked me to leave them my phone number. Broke up as friends, they continued to Detroit and I Cleveland. japan ministry of finance Did not undergo 24 hours until the phone arrived., I'll shorten the story and tell which pair of brothers experienced the "dream Break ". they reached the houses they bought and were shocked neighborhoods, from assets japan ministry of finance and more importantly the real price of their. turns out that all three homes that are bought, sold by banks at less than a thousand dollars to!!! highest price paid for a house was $ 825 Yeah friends have such things.
The method is simple, buying a foreclosure home the hundreds japan ministry of finance (!) Dollars (and there were thousands of those in Detroit), making cosmetics $ 5,000 in maximum (see better image), put it in the MLS at a price of 65 thousand dollars and begin marketing it in the Holy Land as an asset leased and rental japan ministry of finance yield Guaranteed 12% ... What Israel can go to him in a private japan ministry of finance home in the U.S. cost only hundreds of dollars? If not enough edge off the price of the house, it turns out that the money cleared from the rent and was supposed japan ministry of finance to authorities, transfers and a debt of thousands of dollars japan ministry of finance on all house, and the houses again facing foreclosure! This is the most extreme case of "dishonesty" I saw and investment mimic all the money. additional thing I saw those Israeli companies that sell investment properties in the U.S., is a significant demand for high priced real property value. For example, japan ministry of finance while writing this, I went to the website of an Israeli company japan ministry of finance that advertises homes for sale in the U.S.. Site offering a home to invest japan ministry of finance 78 thousand dollars, which includes four bedrooms and two baths. Home is rented at 1000 per month. They also take care to note the site home price peak was 127 thousand in 2006, so that the investor will be what to aspire. rapid testing site Zillow, shows a very different picture. already this year (2013), sold the house twice! first time in May at $ 15,344 and a second time in August at $ 52,000. examination japan ministry of finance of the properties around, japan ministry of finance you can see the prices of houses japan ministry of finance in the street \ area are on the 40-50 thousand dollars. year there were transactions at 10-20 thousand dollars on the same street, but these are probably the sales of homes from seizure by banks. Requirement of 78 thousand dollars by society, is high in more than 50 percent of the market price. Important to note that asset is for sale in the U.S. market because no American would pay him 78 thousand dollars, but the Israelis apparently have., I refrained from identifying information on house in order to avoid confrontation with those companies, but this trial that anyone can make the goods proposed Israeli sites, japan ministry of finance and the data on the site Zillow, which reflect the reality.
Historically the sale of the house. Also visit the websites of other Israeli companies that offer homes \ investment properties, you can learn it it ask those companies is higher than the market price, or best standard of the top of the market price. Subprime crisis, cut its U.S. home prices drastically, and brought with him an attractive investment japan ministry of finance option for both parameters. First house price below the actual value and the expected increase in the value of property in 3-10 years. Second parameter was the rental market. Those days a lot people japan ministry of finance lost their homes and had an immediate need homes for rent. combination of homes at very low prices, and the need for homes for rent have created a very attractive investment opportunity, relatively low amounts and high yields.
The past year has been seen impressive increases in home prices. As these increases are still far lower than the peak in 2006, but prices are definitely approaching the real price in accordance with the current economic situation. Person wishing to invest in property in the U.S. today, receive lower returns if he buys in 2010-12, and the prospect value of the asset will continue to rise at the rate of last year is low, which reduces the attractiveness of the investment. Israeli society offers us to buy (at best) Property Amazed The high price of real neighborhood and area, it is very certain investment

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