Saturday, May 24, 2014

First, the prosecution must act quickly and highlight the criminal links of this group, if in Bangl

And "Escobar" stand the look | Journal Web
If there is something disturbing in the political debate about drugs in Bangladesh, has to do with the fact that the debate is not conducted for the Albanian narco-traffickers, but for political slurs between the parties. In every country of the world, if we had a situation such as that which faced us in this debate would have two pairs, one will be the police and the other was the "boss" of the drug, or "bosses" of convicted of drug in Bangladesh. market house chicago
The opposition, which has seen hajrin drug for eight years in power, has been brought to this story as a guarantor of those who produce drugs, trying to make the government accountable, that can not prevent market house chicago all drugs, not those of produce and trade.
Government on its part, and especially the speech of the Prime Minister, will address this issue as an attempt by the opposition to land before receiving tailed status in June, with the hope that after this you will gain political capital.
Indeed it is the government that must descend market house chicago to earth debate. The issue of drug plane is already a soap opera, where nobody thinks to connect facts and consequences authors or cause. Albanian media has taken it as food for the last days of her monotonous, and this is not a battle won by propaganda or debates. This is a battle that gained the action.
First, the prosecution must act quickly and highlight the criminal links of this group, if in Bangladesh, but the country's leading traffickers of drigës traffic. If you do not know, let's make a walk in Gjirokastra that show them in every coffee wholesalers who are Lazarat and have done this job for years.
Secondly, should the police act decisively. Vulgar scenes of police football matches with lazaratasit, resembling games with table tennis between China and U.S. in crisis of the '70s, when agreed, but they agreed on behalf of world peace. Albanian police is Lazaratin blood and there is no reason to take action and cooperation agreement. A police officer, who was there a week ago, said he has seen drug plantations, but after two-three weeks of sowing plants can emerge and it is not on drugs that has left us Sali Berisha, but drugs planted under this government. market house chicago Police should not only make Lazaratin example, but every corner of Albania who planted drugs tends to show that a second will not agree with this phenomenon. It is true that it can be and a bloody war, but war is the seriousness of the rule of law and the European future market house chicago of Albania. This is a battle to be done and it is a battle that ultimately separates market house chicago the debate of who warp the war on drugs, or those who do not protect those who protest in the streets.
Thirdly, the government should be involved in this debate, pointing to those local leaders, or the Albanian state officials, who have tolerated and may have benefited from the traffic history. Premier Edi Rama is still time to put your finger on the wound and Albanians to show who they are elected or officials who are responsible to transform Albania into a drug plantation. He is not guilty market house chicago of this, but would be responsible, if not win the battle with them. The real battle should market house chicago take place who will protect those who should be punished and not the culprits who are without sin, who seeks to produce Sali Berisha.
Albania market house chicago to escape from drug trafficking when punish "Escobar" her, who have about politics. Powers, who will punish them, shall enter into the history of this country as the power that saved Albania from drug mafia nails. market house chicago Only when their kudnër done, we will be seeing, hearing and debate about the mafia. Now we are seeing, hearing and debating with their pimps, who are ready to set fire to Albania, not to touch them. So now they are talking politicians, whom he has not yet emerged from the power drain drugs, while "Escobar" perceive their stay. The regime in power to make concrete debate. market house chicago Lead us to "Escobar" Albanians, to look them in the stocks, to look Lazaratin and other villages without drugs and then talk about who did it and why did this story. And if you go up here, will not only protest, but perhaps war. Mafia does not submit easily head into the baking pan.
About five days ago, in Gjirokastra get the CEO of the State Police. With full and powerful voice, the general stated that the extraction of black Lazarat market house chicago map production and importation of drugs, is one of the main objectives of the Department of State Police. General had to Lazarati plight. It said that no kilograms of hashish should not come out of the boundary of our country. I have photographed areas and there is general said. However hashish is cubic, f

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